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The sun rose. Tía Julieta was still calling out for Mirabel along with the rest of the town. Everything seemed... dreary. I never thought I'd describe Encanto as the anything opposite of enchanting, lively, beautiful. But it's not.

The once magical family tried using their gifts, forgetting and getting painfully reminded that they were gone. Luisa could no longer help with the townsfolk. Isabela's succulents that sprouted all around town began wilting. Dolores could no longer hear Mirabel as the search continued. Antonio went back to how he was just a couple days ago. The weather no longer reflected tía Pepa. Tía Julieta's meals no longer healed.

I briefly met up with my family, they, too, saw what happened to La Casa Madrigal. I assured them that I was okay but we couldn't find Mirabel. Almost instantaneously, they went go look for her as well. My sister didn't have those eyes that filled with color when we took her outside.

Camilo and I stopped in front of the family mural, it didn't look as vibrant as it used to. Before I knew it, tears were streaming down Camilo's face, his eyes still glued to the painting.

"Who am I without my gift,"


"I'm only useful when I'm someone else." he mumbled. He stood in front of me and leaned his head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around him.


"Y/N, what if we never get our powers back?"

"Camilo, mi amor,"

"Who am I without my gift, Y/N?"

I held his shoulders, making him look back up from me. His eyes were red and pleading as he wiped away more tears. It genuinely hurt my heart to see someone believe they're not good enough as themself, especially someone I love. Someone I love.

"Camilo, you know who you are? You're someone who cares about their family. You're someone who I appreciate, who makes me laugh, who flusters me constantly, who makes me blush with just a smile. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't imagine someone as creative or charming or loving as you. You're someone I love, Camilo. Everything about you."

It's true, I do. I love his instant comebacks when I tease him, that stunned look when he gets flustered, when he randomly shifts into me, the way he cares for his family and the people he loves, the way his eyes light up when I'm with him. I just like him a lot.

And with that, he kissed me. I kissed back, draping my arms over his shoulders as he pulled me closer by the waist. Our lips moved in sync, like they connected perfectly. His fingers tangled themselves in my hair and held my face closer. I could feel him smile into the kiss before he pulled away, cupping my cheek before pecking me once more. We were both red, I could feel the heat of his face radiating onto mine. I smudged away any tears left on his face.

"Amor, I don't know what to do if your powers never return, but I know I'll be by your side,"

He dropped his head, "It's okay, cariño. We'll just figure it out together. Thank you,"

I pulled him back into a hug. "You're not gonna say it back?" I teased. He chuckled softly.

"I love you, too, Y/N, everything about you."

Geez, it felt like I was floating. My heart swelled with affection and my lips felt tingly. He clung onto me tightly, it was so warm in his arms. All these sensations I've never felt, and I get to feel them over and over with Camilo.

"Bonita, you mean so much to me, but so does Mirabel. Not as much as you, of course, but we should head back,"

I giggled softly as he let go. He quickly peppered me with a few more kisses before we stumbled back to meet with the rest of the Madrigals.

The mountain in the distance still astonished me the way it split in half, I wonder if anyone bothered to check the valley it created. We returned to the fallen structure, Camilo's face dropped as he saw it again. Everyone was still calling for Mirabel. I squeezed his hand, reassuring him I was there. Tía Pepa walked over to us, holding Antonio's hand. His face was puffy as he sniffled a little.

"Mami, we checked around town. She's not there,"

"None of the townsfolk have seen or heard from her, either," I included. She sighed, no clouds floating above her head.

"Fix your posture, mijo."

Camilo straightened up. Antonio ran over to me and clung to my legs, he let go so I could kneel down and hug him back.

"I miss Mirabel," he mumbled.

"I do, too, Tonio. We'll find her soon, don't worry. She would never leave you, she loves you and the town too much." I pet his hair before he let go. Camilo knelt to his brother, whispering something which earned him a grateful smile from the young Madrigal. He went back to his mom.

"Ah, Abuela was looking for Mirabel, too, but now we can't find her either," Tía Pepa said, distressed.

"Well, if Abuela finds Mirabel then she'll definitely bring her back. Let's hope they're not too far," I replied.

"Thank you for your help, Y/N," Tía Pepa gently hugged me,

"Thanks for watching Camilo, too,"


We laughed together, I'm glad she wasn't super upset. Tía Pepa stresses a lot, and most of it is just from her gift. I felt bad for her a lot because she wasn't allowed to feel upset without possibly causing more problems. More family members came and joined us.

"She wasn't over there," Tía Julieta said, distraught.

"I haven't heard anything from Mirabel either," Dolores added quietly.

"Gah, where can she be?" Agustín panicked while covered in bee stings. Unlucky.

A few clouds moved, revealing the warm sun. The town almost looked magical again.

Sorry this chapter took so long I accidentally fixed my sleep schedule for like a day (also remember to vote its super cool)

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Sorry this chapter took so long I accidentally fixed my sleep schedule for like a day (also remember to vote its super cool)

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