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The sun shone directly into my eyes, I forgot to close the curtains last night. I groaned, turning away from my window until I glanced at my clock. Why am I awake so early, I thought to myself. It quickly hit me that today was Antonio's ceremony! My mom burst into my room to wake me up, almost on cue.

"Y/N! It's 8, you told me to wake you up early."

I laid with my limbs tangled, startled, "Yeah! Thanks, mom, that was terrifying,"

"Sorry, mija, I made eggs and toast in the kitchen, come down when you're ready. Brush your teeth after."

"Yes, mom, I know."

Untangling my limbs, which were sore from the sudden movement, I got up and grabbed my blanket, throwing it over my bed to make it look like I fixed it. I descended down the stairs, nearly tripping on my feet as I followed the scent of breakfast. After eating, I dashed back upstairs and fixed myself up, picking out my usual outfit. I'll change later. My sister giggled from my dad's arms everytime I rushed up and down the stairs.

"Mija, you're making us dizzy!" My father called out to me.

"Sorry!" I laughed as I slowed down on my walk back down. I pulled on some comfortable shoes before starting my familiar stroll to La Casa Madrigal.

Mirabel and I were helping set up the table, Casita rolling out some plates onto the table for us to catch. As we were setting up, a young voice outside yelled. "Hey! When's the magic gift happen?!"

"My cousin's gift ceremony is tonight," Mirabel responds with a smile. I rolled my eyes, these three kids were always pestering the Madrigals with their curiosity. I can't say I blame them, though.

"What's his gift?!" A second kid called out.

"We're gonna find out!"

"What's your gift?!" The first kid called out, swinging around a steaming mug.

"Who's asking?" I yell out playfully.

"Us!" All three kids shouted. Mirabel and I shook our heads.

"Well, 'us,' I can't just talk about myself. I'm only part of the amazing Madrigals," Mirabel gestured to the family mural next to her.

"Who's all the amazing Madrigals?!" they yelled in sync.

"They're not gonna leave us alone, are they?" I looked to Mirabel, giggling.

"Nope," Mirabel looked up, "Casita, help us out. Drawers!" She pointed to a cabinet, the drawers moving in rythm.
"Floors!" The tiles rippled around us.
"Doors!" The magical doors glowed on command.
"Let's go!"

I loved when Mirabel would break into song, it was impossible not to dance, even if I don't know how. The groove just comes and you just have to follow.

"Woah!" I shouted.

"Let's be clear Abuela runs this show," Mirabel sang after me.


"She led us here so many years ago,"


"And every year our family blessings grow! There's just a lot you simply got to know, so!"

I forgot Antonio's ceremony was on the fiftieth anniversary of the miracle. Mirabel opened the doors to the house as her family was leaving. Now we could properly explain the magical household to the kids outside. As we left, the tiles on the roofs danced like waves to the beat.

"Oh my gosh, it's them!" one yells as the family walked by.

"What are the gifts?!"

"I can't remember all the gifts!"

Camilo Madrigal × (Fem!) Reader Where stories live. Discover now