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Tonight was going to be exciting, there was so much anticipation building up in everyone. I can't help but feel bad for Mirabel, though. I can't even begin to imagine how hard this'll be for her, but we're still looking forward to see what gift Antonio will recieve.

On the walk home, many people were getting themselves ready for the ceremony, all happily chatting amongst themselves, but I think we all share the same little anxiety. What if this ceremony is like the last one?

I brushed the idea out of my mind as I greeted my family who were already dressed up and ready to go.

"You guys can leave without me!" I told them. My sister just blew a lot of saliva bubbles. She seems to be enjoying herself.

Upstairs in my room, I grabbed the outfit I had saved for weeks and was hung on my door so it wouldn't get wrinkled. The outfit was a less casual than my typical wardrobe, but it was still comfortable. I cleaned myself up again, redoing my hair and such. After freshening up, I was ready to go. I looked at myself in the mirror at multiple angles, unintentionally imagining how Camilo would react. I shook the thought out of my head before leaving.

Everyone was making their way to Casita, people held fireworks and rolled wagons with them as they approached. My eyes were on the sky, admiring the cloudless evening and the purples and oranges of the sunset. I'm glad tía Pepa is in a good mood.

Outside the main entrance, Luisa was helping people with their wagons and donkeys, placing them in pens. Camilo was next to the door, hugging and transforming into guests as they arrived. He was so friendly and outgoing, willing to help. So was the rest of the family, but I wouldn't expect that from someone as goofy as Camilo. As I neared the entrance, he paused for a little. I guess the people behind me noticed and just walked by, already greeted by Luisa. Camilo's face began to faintly flush.

"Aye, chico bonito, are you sick or are you happy to see me?" I joked.

He shifted into me again, instantly changing back and straightening his ruana. His face was red, although it was very faint because of his skin tone. He shook his head, smiling. I really liked his smile, whether it be cocky or genuine. Lucky for me since he was almost always smiling. He was quick to shoot back.

"You seem a bit sick, too. You're a bit red, cariño," Ugh, he never fails to fluster me even a little, "I like your outfit."

"Do you ever not like my outfit?" I raised a brow.

"Well maybe that dress from Mirabel's ceremony,"

"My mom chose that one, alright? I didn't like it either," He's always teased me about that awful dress. "I like your outfit, too, by the way,"

"Thanks, but I always wear this, hermosa,"

"I know." I said, casually.

I left it at that as I stepped into the crowded home. That last name caught me off guard, hermosa, he almost never calls me that. Well, I guess that means I clean up well. Inside, kids were still running around with sparklers with people all laughing and dancing, the house itself was having fun, seemingly dancing and entertaining guests. On the side, Isabela twisted and twirled, maneuvering majestically as petals fluttered around her. Perfect flowers were thrown to those entranced, to which they happily accepted. I waved to my mom who was already inside chatting with tía Pepa and tío Félix. My dad was nearby, surrounded by some kids who cooing at my sister.

My eyes wandered around the house, searching for Mirabel. On the balcony, I saw Mirabel talking to Antonio. They seemed to be having a moment, so I decided not to join them. Also because I noticed Dolores off to the side, gently swaying with the music. I joined her, moving back and forth on my feet.

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