Chapter 11

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Here we are getting me a dog. Something I wasn't allowed to have as a child because my dad said they were too "stupid, loud, and messy," If mom was alive I know we would've had about twenty. She was kind like that. Loved everyone and everything. Sadly that's what ended up killing her, her love for my father.

There were all sorts of dogs and puppies. But one stood out to me. It was a Bernese Mountain dog. His name was Bruno and he hit my heart strings as soon as I met him. His huge tongue licked me. And I knew right then and there he was the one.

So now here I am putting this huge ass dog in Rhemingtons Hellcat.

"He better not drool on my backseats."

I give Rhemington a look, to remind him that he fucked up so he better shutup. He sighs loudly. Bruno jumps in the car. I'm about to get in with him.

"Princess where do you think your sitting?"

"Back here with Bruno." I roll my eyes.

He grabs me by the neck, not enough to hurt but enough to make my pussy wet. This shouldn't turn me on but it does. "Look me in my eyes." And I do. I didn't feel like being a brat. "Your sitting up here with me." Okay maybe I wanted to be a brat. "Yes daddy."

His eyes turn golden. And I could never ever get tired of looking into those. He opens the passenger door for me and I get in. Bruno exchanges glances between me and Rhemington. One hand goes on the steering wheel and the other, on my thigh. I want to melt right there but I keep my composure.

We are about forty-five minutes from the house. Twice Bruno wants to get into my lap. But I'm not willing to crash us so I make him stay in the back.

This drive feels like forever especially when Rhemingtons hand keeps inching closer and closer to my thong. I squeeze my legs closed. I was a being a brat and I wouldn't let him temp me. I was the one in control and that's why I liked being a brat.

I finally see the little town, and I'm so very thankful to see all the wolves, and the pack members. He can't touch me in front of his pack members.

"Wrong babygirl, you're mine. Which means I can do what I want. Plus the windows are tinted."

"Fuck me." I say under my breath.

Rhemington smirks at me. "Gladly."

He squeezes my thigh once more. And just his touch sends shivers down my spine. Bruno was looking at us like we were crazy. We pull up to the house, grabbing Bruno's leash and lead him inside.

Mars and Lex are sitting on the couch. They look at me, and then Bruno, and then Rhemington. "What in the actual fuck." Mars basically screams.

"Bruno, this is Mars. Mars this is Bruno."

"Why in the fuck do we have a bear?"  Mars ask. I'm about to speak but Lex comments. "Because Rhemington is pussy whipped." My mouth drops open. "That's not true." I whisper yell.

"What's not true?" Rhemington ask carrying some dog food. Watching his arm veins pop, sweat down his forehead, his beautiful eyes...makes me want to jump his bones but I ignore that feeling and run upstairs. Putting Bruno in his bed I finally am able to lay in this sweet comfortable bed. My eyes are about to shit when there's a knock at my door. "Come in."

"Now what did you say in the car, about fucking you."

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