Chapter 19

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    Landing on my back again and again is not what I want Rhemington to be watching. Remember how I said I would never cross that she wolf who was beating that mans ass. I will stand by that statement because right now she is beating my ass. No mercy. No going easy on me either. I now have to think of a new strategy. So instead of fighting, I run. Running was my strong point. As long as she stayed in human form I should be okay, it might not be much, but I'll try. She charges at me, and I turn around and sprint. Looking behind me is not an option. I hear the whispers of everyone. My legs however keep running. I can hear her right behind me. Time to change directions. I do a little shuffle and run past her. Meeting her eyes, I see a little bit of confusion. But I don't have time to explain. She doesn't stop however, she changes directions. It's now a cat and mouse game. There is no trees around me so climbing is not an option. Even if there was trees she would probably shift and catch me. So now it's up to me to run her around so much that she loses energy. But shes a wolf. Stronger, faster. I needed to save my breath.

After running around for an hour I can feel my breaths getting weaker. She's slown down. One more push. I look back to see her hands on her knees and it seems to me that she is catching her breath. I take this opportunity to circle around her. At full force I run towards her back. This can go two ways. She hears me and turns around, and I lose confidence and fall on my ass, or she's doesn't see me and I kick her back in. She does exactly what I thought she would do and turns around. Except I don't fall on my face, however my foot connects with her face instead. She's thrown back. I hear one loud clap, but im too worried about her. 

"I am so sorry. Please don't kill me."

She dust herself off, and puts her hand out. "I'm Elleyam, that was smart."

Her face has my big shoe print indented on her cheek. "I'm Quinn."

The alpha walks over to us. "Good job, the both of you. Quinn we don't apologize to our enemies unless you want your throat ripped out. Elleyam go see the nurse."

Elleyam walks off and I look at the alpha. Bowing my head, I walk off. Even though I know I did a good job I don't want to be stuck up the alphas ass. I don't hear anything behind me. I don't look back and keep the house in my focus. Showering is honestly the only thing I can think about. Entering my room, I strip and hop into the shower. 

Hand wrap around me in the shower, "you smell so good love." I wanted to giggle. I wanted to go feral, but then a thought stopped me. That was NOT Rhemington. And before I knew it something had dug into my skin, it felt like a needle. I turned around in a flash and there was Arson,  Rhemington's warrior,  holding me tight. It didn't take much for me to knee him in his balls and leave him doubling over in pain, as I ran he screamed out to me, "You won't get away from him you little bitch; your lucky you trained today." 

I ran and didn't look back, I ran right through the field naked as the day I was born. I know it wasn't very Luna of me, but I was scared. The water from my shower had turned to much for a warm relaxing shower. Rhemington isn't far ahead, I see his muscles in the distance. 

"HELP ME! Rhemington, please help me." I scream until my lungs bleed. In a second im surrounded. I'm surrounded by  Mercedes and Lex, Remington's eyes are black. He runs up to me and takes one sniff and roars the loudest roar I have ever heard in my life. "You fucking two timing skank." And just like that he's off.  Still naked in the training field Lex gives me his shirt. And I see my new friend Elleyam come rushing over. 

"You smell like-" Mars quips

"I know what I smell like, he came into the shower and wrapped his arms around me. I thought it was Rheimington until he called me love. My shoulder hurts too, I think he pricked me with something. 

The room is quiet. I have Lex, Mars, and Rhemington's mom all staring at me. Rhemington was on his way. I shook like a leaf, scared that I was going to face Rheington's bad side. The door slams open and there Remington stands with his eyes still black as night. "Alright honey I need you to one more time run through what happened." Rhemingtons mom is not angry but she seems sad.

"I had just come back from training and I had decided to take a shower, arms wrapped around me and I felt something prick my skin, that's when a voice said "You smell good love" and I knew right then and there it wasn't Rhemington. I turned around it was Arson, his warrior. I kneed him in the balls and ran."

"That's a fucking lie, he fucked you willow. I still can smell him in you." He looks like he wants to gag. Tears well up in my eyes. "I swear I didn't-"

"Save it skank, I knew you were a gold digging bitch... I bet this is a whole ploy to take down my status. I bet your dad story isn't fucking true. Your mom's probably alive and I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

At that sentence I sob. I knew I was right, why did I even tell him my story. I felt my heart break into a million little pieces. It felt like I was suffocating. I couldn't breathe. 

"Oh boo hoo save it for the next alpha. You are to be out of my pack by tonight. Everyone calls me a monster, but you are just a pathetic lying human." He says those words with disgust on his tongue, like I was vomit in his mouth. He's right, I am just a pathetic little human...

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