Chapter 8

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                   ••• Trigger Warning•••
(In this chapter I talk about night terrors. I have bad night terrors and I know they can be serious. These night terrors have abuse in them. If you want to skip over this chapter that's fine. Do what needs to be done. (••• represents the start and end so if you would like to skip that part that is perfectly fine.)


I hear the alarm blaring in my ears. I hurry to get up, if not I will pay the consequences. My dad was drinking again last night and I didn't want him to be angry because I know he had a hangover. I look to my right. But my alarm isn't there. I can hear it. So where in the hell could it be. Jumping out of my bed I check under my bed. It's getting louder but there is nothing there. I'm begging it to silently shut up in my head. But it's already too late. There my dad is. Red eyes...

He grabs my hair. "What the fuck did I tell you about that stupid alarm."

"It's not on my nightstand dad, please stop." I beg

"Stupid fucking girl look closer." The alarm is in his hands, the next thing I feel is it smashing into my head. "Please stop it hurts. Please dad." I beg. But it's no use. I can feel myself hurting all over. My body is on fire. "If I could I would rip your throat out." I'm scratching. Fighting for my life. I can't die like this. "Please," I cry. "Stop." My heart is beating out of my chest. His eyes start to bleed. "I will find you little girl. You will die." I can't breathe. I'm choking. I'm dying. He's killing me. I close my eyes ready to succumb.

••••••••••End of trigger warning••••••••••••

I can't move a thing. My legs and arms are numb. Why do I feel like this? What's wrong with me. I manage to open my eyes and I'm surrounded by white walls. "RHEMINGTONNNNNN." I scream out. He will save me I know of it. Well maybe not him but AK will.

"Quinn, take it easy. Please. Your sedated." Summers voice fills my ears. Oh I'm so grateful to hear her voice.

"What happened? Where am? Why am I tied down." Where's Rhemington?"

"He's on his way. He will be about fifteen minutes. And I don't even know. I came to get you and you were convulsing and swearing and crying. It scared the absolute shit out of me, so I called the nurse."

And then it hit me like a truck. Red eyes, his threat, the rogues. I had a night terror. I try to get up but im strapped in on this stupid white bed. "Summer im fine." Can you untie these things please?"

"I can't not until I go get a doctor."

"Well fucking shit."

The door opens and I'm hoping it's just the doctor. But no it's the two goons. Lex speaks up first and it takes me by surprise. "Is she okay?" Summer takes them into a corner and the whispers start. "I'm fine. Please just let me go. Get me out of here."

Rhemington comes in next. "What the fuck, this is not what I needed." I look at him. His face is a bunch of emotions. I can't tell if he is angry or sad. "I'm okay. Please," I beg, "just get me out of these."
Summer takes him to the side and fills him in. I want to cry. I feel so stupid. Last night and now this. I know Rhemington is getting tired of me. I only cause problems. The tears are starting to form and I know I'm bawling because everyone's eyes are on me. I can't even wipe my stupid tears because I'm strapped to this stupid bed, which makes me sob harder.

Rhemington comes over and puts his hand over mine. I face away from him because this is not being strong and I hate this for him.

The door opening makes everyone's head turn sideways. "Quinn can I speak to you privately." I nod my head. "Everyone but Quinn leave."

"It's not like I can leave." I laugh. "Can summer stay." The doctor rolls her eyes. "Sure. But the boys leave. NOW!"

They scramble out of the room. Rhemington hesitated. But finally left.

"Quinn I need to speak to you about what happened and some other things. Are you sure you want Summer to be here."

"Yes I am sure."

••••••••Trigger Warning (SH/Abuse) ••••••••

"So as you know you had a night terror. May I ask what caused that."

"Last night a Rogue with red eyes threatened to kill me. I guess I had a dream ... uhm I was getting beat with an alarm by my father. He was abusive. Slapped me over little things. Beat me until I blacked out, cussed, screamed. I needed to get away."

"Is that why you have self harm scars on your thighs?"

"Yes ma'am. I needed to feel something. I needed to not be numb."

Summer looks shocked in the corner of the room. I can see the tears form in her eyes.

"How do you feel now Quinn. Do you feel the need to self harm?"

••••••••End of Trigger Warning•••••••••••

"'No ma'am, I feel safe here."

"If you don't feel safe I want you to tell my daughter or my son. It's a lot to process. But as you can see my son would kill over you; I'm sure of it. I will keep this quiet because it's not my story to tell my son. But you need to tell him soon. I want you to have someone at your door to make sure this doesn't happen again Luna."

" Yes Ma'am."

She undoes the restraints. "Call me Jole." She wraps her arms around me tightly and hugs me. "If you ever need anything you can see me anytime." I jump from the bed and walk over to Summer and smile, she gives a small smile back to me as she wipes away her tears.

I open the doors like I was never in there. Rhemington and his mom whisper. I hear her say, "she's pretty don't ruin this. She's stronger than you think." Which makes me smile. So Rhemington has a mom. A nice mom? Wait a nurse? Wait she knows Rhemington is a my mate?

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