Chapter 21

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I was quietly sobbing to myself as I packed my clothes. Nothing I said made a difference. However Jole was the only one who would speak to me. She grabbed me up and took me into her office at some point. Running multiple test on me. At one point a woman who I did not know came in and looked me over, I later found out she was a witch, and her name was Maggie. Maggie made some odd sounds while studying me and then took Jole into the corner and whispered some things in her ear. Whatever she said made Rhemington's mom shocked. I could see it on her face. I was escorted back to my room and here I am sobbing.

"Are you ready?"

Mars and Lex are at my door, they look sad. I know right now I look a mess. Red puffy face. Tear stained cheeks. I take one look around the room that I learned to love, and before I left I touched Rhemington's door. "I love you." I whispered. I hung my head down in the halls. Everyone was whispering again, but I paid no mind because they all thought of me as a cheating skank anyways.

"We really don't want to have to say this Luna, but if you try and escape we will kill you." I nodded my head like I understood but deep down I didn't. Watching Rhemington's house fade away, I sobbed to myself quietly.

Rhemington's POV:

I had locked myself in my room. Ak was silent but I knew he was broken as well. This is why I didn't get involved with humans, because they were nasty, vile, and ruthless creatures. That's a lot for me to say, because I am a werewolf. I was known for being the deadliest most vile alpha to exist. I heard the "I love you" she meekly said. It came out in a whisper, but I heard it. I was rolling in my bed that night when my mother mind linked me. As I opened my door I took a long hard sniff. Quinn's scent was fading. My wolf howled at the loss, and my face was stone cold. "She did us dirty and now you're sad, grow a pair Ak."

When I entered my mother's office I was surprised to see her life long friend and my aunt sitting beside of her. When my mom raised her head I could tell she had been crying.

"What's going on mom?"

Maggie took me by the hand and sat me down. "Son you've made a grave mistake."

"Mistake? I smelled her Maggie."

"No you smelled his liquid DNA. Your mother and I checked. She is still a virgin. There was no sign of his genitals in her. No stretching. No nothing, but her blood, it lit up with him. I don't know how they did it, but she didn't cheat on you."

My skin ripped and my bones broke. My jaws chomped and my claws descended. They fucked with my mind. They are about to take my Quinn. The glass shattered around me, in my head I promised mom I would fix her window, but I was on a mission. Turn the car around she didn't cheat. Mars and Lex's mind link was blocked. It was a race against time right now. Something was wrong. I screamed through the mind link but no reply. It wasn't long before I saw total and utter darkness. Ak was in full control...


I knew deep down that something happened, I didn't want to think of her cheating; but there was no denying it, I had smelled her...she wasn't marked which meant the bond wasn't quite there. In all reality I was broken. I had fallen deeply and madly in love with her. From the first minute she had given me attitude, from the first minute that one of the filthy Rogues had touched her. From the first second I had laid my eyes on her back and smelled her beautiful scent that consisted of a hint of vanilla bean and strawberries. Staring at her from afar in the college registration office I watched her argue with the receptionist. I watched her break down and it was then and there I knew that she was going to be the death of me. The stupid human hated her, but his heart sped up when she turned around. Deep down I knew that she was going to be the death of him too.

Now it was our time to get our girl back, and I would kill anyone who dared get in my way. I will rip out there throats, and make them choke on there lungs.

I mind linked my mother, you are in charge until I get my wife back. I moved my legs faster, it still didn't feel like I was moving fast enough. Along the way I passed a deer and It made me think of her. I hope she looked at me with her big doe eyes. I hope she will forgive me. That was Rhemington. I could feel his worry and I could feel the pain. We will get her back, I promise.

I finally could smell Lex and Mars, but most importantly I could smell her. But with all there smells I could also smell other males. My eyes wandered to the stopped car. Lex and Mars were on the ground passed out. They looked like they were having a heated discussion. Jumping from where I was standing, I landed right behind Quinn. I wrapped her in my arms, and buried my nose deep into her neck. In a quick movement she turned around and punched me square in my nose. I didn't have time to be proud of her and honestly I dont know if it was a reaction or if it was because it was me.

I quickly put her behind me. The men in front of Mars and Lex are glaring as if thinking they could slit my throat if they glared hard enough.

"Well well well, It's finally nice to meet my son in law..."

A/N: I am currently working 16 hour shifts, so there may be a few updates throughout the day. Be on the lookout. I also had my kitten die two days ago so I am trying my very best to not turn into mush and get into a slump. If you like this story go check out my page, and if you have any reccomendations go ahead comment them, im open to all ideas. I Hope you have an amazing day

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