Chapter 3

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"It's - it's just so beautiful..."

"Did I say you could touch it?"

"N-n-no but."

"Do NOT touch anything."

"How about you just go ahead and kill me."
His frown uplifts into a smirk for one second and then it goes back to the grimace. "I'm not going to kill you. I'm giving you a room to sleep in."

"Wait what?"

"I didn't trust you down there with all those men..."

"I was fine."

"Sure you were. You see that couch right there. Plop your butt down and don't move."

Around 3:00 a woman comes in. "Give it to her." When she gives it to me she smiles a sad smile and mouths good luck.

"Are you going to eat anything." I ask him.



"I just don't."




"I'm too busy. Darn it shut up."

I get up from the couch, and stand in front of him. To be honest I don't know why I was sharing my food. After all he's done. "Please eat."
"You want me to eat. Here." He grabs the food and throws it at me. "GET OUT! GET OUT NOW!!!" His eyes are a pitch black. He looks like he is about to foam at the mouth. My feet rush to the door in a hurry. When I get to the door I don't stop. It's like I'm flying and my mind is so lost, and now that I realize it, I am too. There's endless possibilities to where I could go. I could take the door or the window. Latter it is.

It doesn't look like a bad drop so I take my chance. Luckily my body doesn't sustain any injuries. Now where to go? When I was a child and I would get kicked or punched there was only two things I'd do. I'd either listen to Post Malone and Russ or find a tree. So maybe that's how I ended up in this tree, in the middle of the forest. My eyes are heavy, so I do the only thing I can do. I sleep.

"Where could she be?"

My eyes awaken suddenly, below me are the twins and the Alpha. I'm so scared I don't even breathe. "I smell her, she has to be close."
"Maybe we should go back." Marts starts to hint.
Please I beg silently. Please go back.
But am I ever lucky? "No let's go on, if we can't find her then we will turn back."
I wait until they vanish, their voices only whispers. After I figure they won't come back I jump front the trees and run in the opposite direction. It was going good until I ran smack dab into Rhemington Blood.

"You honestly think I didn't know you were in the trees."

"I-I." I don't even have a chance to say anything because he had me by my hair dragging me.

"Ow-your hurting me."

"Too bad."



There's only one thing I can do. So I do it. "I still see your shadows in my room. Can't take back the love I gave you, it's to the point where I love and I hate you and I cannot change you so I must replace you. Easier said then done. I thought you were the one. Listening to my heart instead of my head. You found a better one, but I am the better one." He doesn't budge. "Annnnddddd IIIIIIiiiiiIIII will always love youuuuuuu." I howl at my worst. My own voice is painful to my ears but again he doesn't budge. "You say your sorry but it's too late now so save it, get gone, shut up." He finally let's go of my hair. "So first you sing about heartbreak, then loving, then about not caring. Which one is it?"
"I can sing whatever." I say as I rub my scalp.

"Do NOT get an attitude."

"I don't have an attitude."

"Look at me." I don't.

"Look at me." I still don't.

He grabs my chin. "Look. At. Me."

His eyes are black like my soul.

"Your soul?" Welp I said that aloud.

I try to move my head but his fingers still grasp my chin. "If you EVER try to escape me again. I will kill you. Do you understand?"
I should have nodded my head, I should have agreed. But I didn't. "KILL ME! KILL ME! hahaha I'm already dead. There's nothing more you could possibly do to hurt me. If you're going to kill me, just do it."

He growls lowly. "Don't ever talk about dying again."

"WHY WHY HUH WHAT IF WHAT IF I JUST DIED THEN WHAT?" I'm yelling and grabbing others  attention but I could care less. He slaps his hand over my mouth. "Mars take her to her room. Make sure the windows are locked. Afterwords baby proof the whole house." He turns to leave to leave but I grab his arm. The way he looks at me, it's like I burnt him.

"I'm not a baby."

He pushes me and I fall flat on my butt. "Don't touch me EVER."

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