Chapter 18

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The run went exceptionally well. The wind in my hair, the breath of fresh air, the different feeling of being accepted. I know I was changing. Not even a bad change but something I couldn't put my finger on exactly. I do know that it had something to do when the Alpha was around. My heart even felt different. I wouldn't say it was exactly butterflies. But something vibrated around him and made me feel giddy. 

"Aw is that a racing heart my ears hear?"

"How can you even hear that Rhemington?"

"Wolf perks babe."

Wolf perks. Something humans would never ever know the feeling of. We would never have the speed, the hearing, nor the strength and in an alphas case, the aggressiveness or possessiveness. That is why there are people who want to hunt them or other alphas that want to over run them. Alphas not only wanted dominance they wanted the ladies too, no matter who they have to kill to get what they want. I think the worse thing about the alphas were there grudges. 

Something that leaves scars on an alpha is Wolfsbane, think of revenge and grudges like Wolfsbane. A scar that last forever. When I say forever I mean that. Grudges are like a tattoo on the heart. One alphas grudge can carry on for centuries even if they are dead. If one alpha has a grudge I promise you their great great great grandson will have that same grudge. That's how wars start. You could sleep with the Luna in 13B.c and their grandson in 2023 will still start a war to get revenge for their pack. They never forget anything and they hear everything. 

I wonder if I was revenge, did Remington start something that has lasted for centuries? He is the Alpha king after all. Am I a plan to get to him? Maybe not even him but his father or the kings before him. The most confusing thing is that, I was a human. Usually alphas don't worry about a mere human, luna or not. They know that we won't live forever. Seventy years max. So who was after me? Was it because I was with Remington?  

Part of me didn't want him to lose his mind, over me. I was a human who just came upon his pack. Hell I was abused. I had to have one of his body guards follow me everywhere. Ive even seen Rhemington in the shadows. I don't think it was because I would run, but because I was a human. I would do anything to be someone who could take care of herself. I can't change my past but I can decide my future. I will train harder than ever. I will work and be as a Luna should be. 

I refuse to be weak, after all I am a luna.

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