Chapter 9

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                 Rhemington's POV:

I'm not going to lie and say this girl hasn't put me on my toes. Reading her like a book wasn't as easy as I thought. My mind questions as to why the Moon Goddess made her my mate. Am I angry she is a human? Of course I am. But that's my mate and my future wife, and the woman who will bare my children.

Attachment issues are a sore subject for me. Of course I don't want to admit my heart is getting attached. AK my wolf is already head over tails for her. I'll admit she's beautiful. The way her hair flows over her shoulder. And her eyes are as green as a meadow; but not the messy meadow. The meadow with the tall grass and wild animals. And when she looks at me through her eyelashes I just want to grab her and kiss her.

But I am an alpha. Which means that I can't get too attached. Because if I lose her I lose me. I lose my pack that I fought so hard to build. I lose everything. And that won't happen, over my dead body. So the distance I put in between us is worth it. When Summer called me bawling her eyes out, I was in a meeting with our border pack The MoonBloods to talk about the Rogue problem. All she said was Quinn...

My feet jumped up and I apologized. My heart was beating out of my chest. Did that Rogue take her? Did he kill her? Did he put her on deaths door? Fucking rogues. I fucking hate them with a passion. They all need there necks snapped. Killed one by one. I truly meant it when I said nothing would happen to her. I won't allow it.
And I will die protecting Quinn from messy Rogues.

Seeing Quinn strapped to the bed made my heart lurch. AK wanted to rip away the straps. And take her far far far away.

"You need to be careful with her Rhemington. She's been though a lot. Just let mom come in and look at her please."

Listening to Summer wasn't something I did often but I knew my mom would take care of her. I didn't know what to do so I went over and held her hand. I wanted to stay with her the whole time. I needed to know what the fuck was going on. Convulsing and crying didn't tell me much.  But mother made me leave, which made me angry. How dare she? That's MY  mate. I need to be in the loop.

"She's mine. She will always be mine." AK growled.

"AK you need to calm down. I can hear mom undoing the straps now. Let's just get her home."

He mind blocks me. I know he's angry with me for not being there for her. He's also probably a little mad that I'm not asking her what happened. But to be honest right now it's not my place.

Watching her walk towards me, is just a tad bit funny. It's like watching a newborn deer try to get on his feet, and then learning how to stop wobbling. Take her home now. Protect her, Ak says in my head.

She looks up to me with her green eyes. Part of me wants to melt right there. But I'm an alpha and no one will ever see me melt. Not even over my mate. She grabs the bottom of my shirt. And we walk out of the hospital to the pack house. Her touch sending sparks through me. I'm choosing to ignore those. I'm a little upset with her. I want to know what happened. But mother told me to wait. She can't keep it in forever can she?

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