Chapter 2

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"So what is the problem?" I give him a once over again, and meet his eyes. "I-i-i it says I'm not accepted. When in fact I'm positive that it was sent back. "Let me see." She shows him the computer. "It says right here that you got accepted, but you never accepted us. Do you have money?" It then hits me. I do have money. I open my suitcase and grab the envelope giving it to him. He opens it. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"What do you mean?"

He hands me the envelope. Instead of the $800.00 there was a note. Pulling it out quickly I read those few words that change my life: I hope you like your surprise. Love, Dad

My knees weak, I fall. This can't be happening. I sob and I can't stop. Now I have nothing. Nothing at all.

"Where will I go?"

"Obviously not here."

"I know that you jerk."

He growls, "it's alpha to you."

I spit out Alpha like a disease.

"Tsk tsk and I was going to give you a place to stay "

"I'm sorry." I mumble

"What did you say?"

"I am sorry."

"That's what I thought, comon let's get you to your new home."

He puts me in a car with two guys that I'm pretty sure are twins. "You do anything dangerous or stupid they will kill you. Mate or not." Before I can say anything he slams the door in my face. Wait what does he mean by mate? Like soulmate? There was no way I was mated to Rhemington Blood. This had to be a mistake. I didn't even know what a mate is. I mean I kind of do.

"It means your his. You can't love anyone but him. You are destined to be together."
I scoff at that. "Trust me, I would know." He says.
"Who do you even think you are?"
"I'm Mercedes but people call me Mars, and beside you is Lexus but I call him Lex. Now shutup." The rest of the drive was silent. Not because Mars told me, but because I was tired.

My face is getting poked. "Go awayyyy." I whine.
"Get out of the car before I throw you out."
Immediately my eyes open and I'm out of the car. In front of me is the most  magnificent place ever. And I thought Bloodville was amazing. "This - this is my new home?"

"Wrong," and before I can even blink something is thrown over my head.

It was warm and now it's cold. I don't like this feeling at all. I'm shuffled into someone else's arms and thrown into something damp. Something closes and at that moment I scramble to take off whatever is on my head. When I get it off I see four blank walls. My new "home" was a cell.
I crawled into the corner. I wasn't scared, it just seemed like it wasn't the most welcoming place. A scream makes me cover my ears. "Hehe what are you doing here little fox." I ignore the comment. "Don't be like this sexy." Again I ignore the comment. It angers whoever is speaking to me because now my leg is in hands and he's scratching me. "Answer me peach." I try to wiggle my foot free but he grips tighter. "I don't know." I sigh.

He let's go of my leg. "Well sunshine better get used to me. Im Ray." The names he's calling me is making me sick. He goes to grab my leg again, but I scoot to the other corner. There's no difference so I curl in a ball and lay in the middle. The rude comments didn't stop. They whistled and hollered all night. They acted as if I was the first girl they'd seen. However when a guard would come in they were quiet as mice.

When the alpha would come to visit I'd hear the guard say that I was causing quite the trouble. As he passed me he'd shake his head. I swear that dumb alpha has some nerve shaking his head. I should be hitting him for locking me in this cell.
"You know alpha you should make me and sexy cell mates. Oh the thing-" he doesn't finish because in one second Rhemy has ripped the bars away and has his neck in his hands. "I dare you to say anything now." Ray is now the color of purple. "The things..." a deafining crunch echoes around. He just broke his neck. He just killed someone. He's a monster. "Clean up the mess and afterwards bring me her." He says to Mars. Those words that just came from his lips make me freak out. I KNOW I'm next. Will I even get a funeral? I never even got to say goodbye...
Mars distracts me from anymore thoughts.

"Let's go Rogue."

Those words rouge make me want to throw up. "I'm not a rogue." I snap.

"You have no home. You have no family. You are alone. So technically you are a rogue. So let's go."
My feet don't want to move. I look at him with fear in my eyes. "Am I going to die."

"Listen here hunny bunny, alpha may seem mean but I swear he's not bad at all. He just...he has some erm anger issues that's all."

"Anger issues? More like EXTREME anger issues. He just killed someone."

"He's allowed."

I scoff. All of a sudden we've stopped. I hadn't even realized that we started walking. In front of me is a large door and on that door in humongous lettering is the word Alpha. Mars knocks and I start shaking. I really am too young to die. I didnt get my dream dog, car, or job.

"Come in."

Mars leads me to my death. As we walk in I looked around. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad place to die. The room was a little too dark for my taste, but the painting on the wall seemed to make up for the dark colors. I couldn't help it. So I went up and touched it. "What do you think your doing?"

Rhemingtons eyes are pitch black. Well if I wasn't dead before, I was now.

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