Arc 3 Chapter 3: The Sports Festival Begins

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Arc 2 Chapter 3: The Sports Festival Begins!

A few days had passed. It was finally time for the big day. The Sports Festival. Class 1A was in the back stretching and working out, getting ready. Izuku was lifting weights while Ochako was doing a few stretches. Everyone was pumped about how great the festival was going to be, as they wanted to show off their stuff.

"Izuku," Shoto said, getting his attention.

Izuku turned around to face his friend.

"Figuratively speaking, based on what happened at the USJ, you're stronger than all of us," Shoto said, "Your quirk outmatches all of us."

"Well, maybe except Kaachan," Izuku said.

"But know this," Shoto told him, "I don't intend to hold back on the sports festival. I will beat you. Whether I do it with fire, or ice."

"Well, if you plan to beat me, I suggest using full power." Izuku told him as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Shoto smiled.

"Same goes to you Izuku," he said.

"Also..." Izuku turned Shoto around to see Momo. "Go get her tiger." He then slapped Shoto on the back.

"Get what?"

"ALRIGHT!!! Welcome to this year's Sports Festival!" Present Mic said, "Its your host with the most, Present Mic, and next to me is my mummy pal, Eraserhead!"

"Why the hell do I have to be here?" Aizawa asked.

"The hell do you think?" Present Mic asked.

"I think you're full of shit." Aizawa said.

Nemuri Kayama a.k.a Midnight went up to the stage. Midnight came in with her... questionable outfit she wore with most parents covering their children's eyes.

"Does she realize that kids are watching?" Tokoyami asked.

"Now then, before we begin, a few words from our class representative of 1A, Izuku Midoriya!"

The minute he heard his name mentioned, he started to freeze. He never gave a speech in front of people before. This was just the beginning. "Come on Deku, get up there!" Ochako said, pushing him up.

Izuku awkwardly walked up to the microphone in front of dozens of people all around the stadium. He was sweating nervously at the sight of nearly the entire world watching him. He then cleared his throat.

"So um..... yea...... wow this is hard," Izuku said.

He then turned to his friends and classmates who were watching. Ochako gave him a thumbs up. Izuku then took a deep breath before talking again.

"My whole life I've been surrounded by people who didn't believe I had what it took to be one of the greats, one of them being my own father," Izuku said, "But then I met new people who saw potential. They trained me to be a hero and now here I am, at the greatest hero school in the world. So to all those who have doubts, don't. You can be a hero, no matter what others might think. And to everyone here, give it your all, and don't try to half-ass it. Do the best you can!"

At that, they all cheered for Izuku as he walked off the stage.

Meanwhile, on a blog in New York.

"So, this hero in training who weirdly looks exactly like the eleven year old quirkless hero from Japan is now in the UA Sports Festival! What do ya know! He even got his quirk late! Those types are always the best because unlike some quirk you get when you're four, you actually have to work hard! Then there's this lanky tall guy who says that this kid has no potential. Eh, what does that fortune teller know! I'm over here waiting for this hero in training to show him up!"

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