Arc 4 Chapter 4: Return to Class

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Arc 4 Chapter 4: Return to Class

The next few days for internships went by fast. IZuku continued his training and got a handle on his new super move, while also getting a handle on Float. Pretty soon it was time for Izuku to return back to Japan. He met up with all his friends in the common room. He was brought to the attention of Katsuki. He had some kind of new hairdo courtesy of his time with Best Jeanist.

"Don't. Say. A word." he warned.

Kirishima and Sero were laughing.

"Shut up!" Katsuki said, "Or I'll kick both of your asses!"

"I'd like to see you try pretty boy!" Sero commented.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!?!?!" Katsuki said as his hair returned to normal.

"Oh my god it went back!" Kirishima said, laughing even louder.

Izuku covered his mouth as he was snorting, trying to hold in his laughter. He then turned over to Ochako who greeted him with a hug.

"So how was your internship Ocha?" he asked.

"It was great! I learned so many more ways to fight villains, quirkless!" Ochako said, beaming.

"That's interesting!" Izuku said, "Meanwhile I developed a new move. I call it Delaware Smash, Air Force. It's based on this support item I got back in America from Melissa."

"That's great Deku!" Ochako said.

"Its been a minute since we were able to catch up, with everything happening,"

"Yea, its also been ages since we last.... you know..."

She then pointed to her lips.

'Wait, why did she suddenly point to her lips..... wait... KISS! ITS BEEN A MINUTE SINCE WE LAST KISSED!' he thought

"I'm sorry Ocha, its not that I didn't want to, its.... this whole boyfriend thing is still kinda new to me," Izuku said.

"Its new to me too," Ochako told him, "Stuff like this should be more natural for us since we're dating. So I guess we both need to try a bit harder."

"Right, we'll figure this whole thing out together," Izuku said.

"So..." Ochako said coming closer to him with a smile.

"Right, now's a better time as ever," Ochako said.

Izuku then came closer to her.

"Ok Izuku, just take her by the wai.... th-the wai.... SHOULDERS!'

"I really missed you Deku," Ochako said.

"I missed you too, Ochako," Izuku told her with a smile.

The two were getting closer to each others faces, until...

"Uraraka! Midoriya!" Someone said.

It was Iida running at them.


"I couldn't have found you two at a better time than this. Mr. Aizawa has sent me to gather everyone for a surprise hero course," Iida said, "You know he won't tolerate us being late. I will see you there."

He then dashed off. Izuku and Ochako looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter. Ochako then took the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek.

"I guess that'll have to do for now Deku," she said with a smile

She then walked away. Izuku stood there with a red face. Katsuki and Shoto snickered at him.

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