Arc 1 Chapter 1: The Chance to Be A Hero

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Arc 1 Chapter 1: The chance to be a hero

3 years had passed since Hisashi had left Inko and Izuku. Ever since then Izuku continued trying to live his dream of being a hero. However, kids started to bully him for not having a father in his life. However one kid stood by his side. His name was Shoto Todoroki.

His quirk allowed him to use both fire and ice. He was the son of the No 2 hero, Endeavor. However his father had been put in prison because of..... Family issues. Since that incident Shoto almost considered never using fire because he didn't want to be like his father. However Izuku managed to convince him that it was 'his' quirk and not his father's.

He also had another person by his side. Toshinori Yagi, whom he believed to be All Might's personal trainer. He had supported Izuku in his career and has acted like a father figure to him, occasionally coming over for play dates. We now join Izuku as he and his mother were finishing up their shopping trip.

"Is this everything Mom?" Izuku asked.

Inko nodded.

"Now we can make the Katsudon you get so excited about," Inko said with a smile.

The two of them noticed some people running the opposite direction. It was a villain attack. There was a man inside some kind of metal armor made to look like a Rhino.

"Hahahaha, I am the RHINO!" he said, "I told you I'd be back!! There is no hope for those who stand in my way!"

"Yes there is," said a familiar voice, "You know why?"

The Rhino then turned his head towards a muscular man with blonde hair.

"Because I AM HERE!!!" It was none other than All Might.

Izuku's eyes began to widen.

"Is that......"

"It's All Might!" A bystander shouted.

The Rhino then glared at All Might.

"Up to your usual tricks again are you?" All Might.

"You won't stop me this time All Might!" Rhino said.

Acting quickly, he dashed into the crowd and grabbed a bystander. That bystander was none other than Inko!

"MOMMY!" Izuku shouted.

Rhino then laughed at this

Izuku knew he had to help his mother. But he didn't know how. HE suddenly saw something he could use as a weapon. Izuku rushed over and grabbed the object. Acting quickly, he threw said object at the arm that was holding Inko, and it malfunctioned. Inko then dropped to the floor and Izuku rushed over to her.

"MOM! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Izuku asked in panic.

"Yes Izuku. I'm okay." Inko said as she hugged Izuku.

Rhino then glared at the boy.

"You're gonna pay for that kid!!!!" he shouted.

He then lunged at Izuku and Inko, as they were hugging each other.

Rhinos hand was nearly about to hit the family of two until it just stopped. The two looked at Rhinos monstrous fist that was about to collide with the two with it stopping in its tracks.

"One thing I don't put up with is civilians being mindlessly hurt or killed by villains! ESPECIALLY a child!" Said All Might.

All Might threw Rhino away from the two as he followed his throw with a flurry of punches as he punched him towards the horizon.

"Detroit SMASH!!!!!!!"

Rhino flew far into the horizon until he went in the ocean. The battle was over, and All Might saved the day once more! Everyone cheered on All Might as the media started bombarding him with questions. Inko turned to her son.

"Izuku! Are you okay? He didn't hurt you or anything, did he?" Inko asked, worried for her son.

"Mom, I'm fine. No need to worry!" Izuku said.

"Young man! I'd like to have you join me here." All Might said as he walked towards the family of two as the media followed him.

"R-really?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, I saw what you did to save your mother," All Might said with a smile, "That was very brave!"

'Maybe he really is the one'

"Now tell me, Young man. What's your name?" All Might asked.

"I-Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said, nervously.

"Well Young Midoriya. What would you like to be when you grow up?" All Might asked.

"I wanna be a hero," Izuku said, "But.... I don't know if I can without a quirk."

All Might then had a flashback of when he met his idol Nana Shimura


"Nana... i-is it possible to be hero, even without a quirk?" Toshinori asked his idol.

Nana smiled and bent down to the boy.

"Toshinori Yagi, is that right?" Nana asked.

"Yes ma'am," he said.

"Well Yagi. There's plenty of men and women with quirks not suited for combat so they had to do extra training to be where they are now. So if you keep working hard, then you very well can be a hero." Nana told him.

Flashback over

"Young man, where is your address?" he whispered.

Izuku whispered the address into All Might's ear.

"Thank you young man," he said with a smile, "I shall see you then."

Later on Izuku was at home with his mom as she was fixing up the Katsudon. The doorbell rang. Izuku answered it and saw Toshinori.

"Mr. Yagi!" Izuku said.

"Young Midoriya. I'd like to have a word with you." Toshinori said.

"Okay. Mommy is cooking katsudon." Izuku said.

"That sounds good," Toshinori said.

"Come on in Toshi," Inko said.

A few hours earlier, Toshinori talked to Inko about revealing his identity and the secret of his quirk. Inko agreed to this knowing how much he supported Izuku's hero dream. Toshinori had also talked to a few pros about his plan to transform Izuku into a future hero. A lot of them loved the plan and wanted to be a part of it.

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