Prologue: Not All Men Are Created Equal

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Prologue: Not All Men are Created Equal

A young boy with green hair was bouncing around in his seat next to his mother. Today was an exciting day for him, as he was going to discover something; What type of quirk he had. Quirks were a natural thing in the world today which gave people uncanny abilities.

With the rise of quirks came the two factions. Heroes, people who used their quirks to do good deeds and protect the innocent. And also villains, people who make it their sole mission to wreak havoc and ruin everyday life. The boy known as Izuku Midoriya was a big fan of heroes, but none like All Might. He was his idol and wanted to be a hero just like him.

And today was when Izuku would discover what ability he has. However......

"You should probably give it up." The doctor said.

The news made Izuku pale. He then dropped his All Might toy.

"Give it up?" Inko asked, "But.... but why? Is there something wrong with him?"

"Before we get into details, what quirks do you and the boy's father have?" The doctor asked.

"Well, nothing too special," Inko said demonstrating her quirk, pulling a small object towards her, "I can float objects towards me and my husband breathes fire. They're useful enough I suppose."

"Well, you see here, he has a double jointed pinky toe that makes a person not need a quirk. So, if you're wanting to be a hero, I'm afraid it's not gonna happen," The doctor said.

Izuku didn't want to believe it. He wasn't gonna give it up simply because someone told him to.

"No," Izuku muttered.

"What?" the doctor asked.

"No!" Izuku said, "So what if I don't have a quirk! I'm not gonna let that stop me from saving people!"

He ran out of the room.

"Izuku! Wait!" Inko shouted towards her son as she tried to follow him.

Ever since then, Izuku kept his head up, believing that he could be a hero, with or without a quirk. However, others didn't believe he could make the cut, primarily his former friend Katsuki Bakugo. The oversized blonde chihuahua would bully Izuku daily to keep him beneath him.

His mother Inko would always support him the best she could. However his father just didn't believe he could make the cut. He told Izuku that there was nothing wrong with dreaming, but he needed to be realistic.

One day, He came home one day with bruises all over. Inko was worried deeply about his son.

"Izuku.... who did this?!" Inko asked.

"It was the same guys as usual.... they keep attacking me for no reason saying I couldn't be a hero and... the teachers did nothing."

Inko bent down and hugged her son.

"Izuku..... don't let others tell you what you can or can't do," Inko said, "If you believe you can be a hero, then keep believing that. I know you'll do great things even without a quirk, right Hisashi?"

Hisashi scratched his head.

"Well...." to be fair, "To be honest.... those kids do have a point."

This shocked Izuku and Inko both, mostly Izuku. His own father taking sides with those bullies?!

"What do you mean he has a point?!" Inko asked.

"What I'm saying is that quirks are a big fad in the world, and it's the main reason why there's so many heroes," Hisashi said, "Look at Katsuki, he has a strong quirk, same with those other friends of his, and Izuku.... Well, he has no special talent. And he always lets people attack him all the time. I don't think he has enough potential to be a hero."

"Hisashi Midoriya! How could you say that about your own son?!?!" Inko yelled.

"What!? I'm just being honest!" Hisashi said, "Even All Might would agree with me."

Inko turned to her son.

"Sweetie, can you go to your room for a minute? I need to have a word with your father."

Izuku obeyed and ran upstairs. Inko then turned to Hisashi and slapped him across the face. Just the fact alone that Hisashi would side against his son infuriated her!


"Inko why are you getting on my grill? You'd rather I lie?!" Hisashi asked defensively.

"No but I don't want my baby boy's spirit to be broken either! Have you ever considered doing something for a change instead of just standing there and agreeing with Izuku's tormentors?!"

"What do you expect me to do, breathe fire at those bullies?" Hisashi asked, "Look, Inko. He's only being tormented because he's chasing a dream that cannot be. A quirkless hero? C'mon. Be realistic!"

"Honestly, Hisashi I can't believe you," Inko said, "It's bad enough you put your work before your family, but now you try and shatter Izuku's pride?"

"All I'm saying is that being a hero is dangerous with a quirk alone! But being a hero without a quirk will only get himself killed as soon as he steps foot into an entrance exam of any hero school!" Hisashi said, "They'd reject him on the spot. Quirkless people have no place in the hero business unless they have strong quirks, like Katsuki."

"You're saying strength alone is what makes a hero?!" Inko asked.

"Well if you want to put it bluntly, then yes," Hisashi said, "Strength is the only thing that matters when it comes to heroes. Otherwise, people might as well give up, especially if they're quirkless, or they don't have quirks that are built for combat."

Inko was done. She wouldn't condone this any longer. She turned around.

"Get out." she said quietly.

"What?" he asked.

"I said get out! You don't seem to give two shits about our son and how he feels! If all you're gonna do is support his tormentors for what they're doing, then I'm done! I'm not taking this anymore, now get out!" Inko said.

"Out of what?" Hisashi asked.

"Get out of this house, and out of our lives!" Inko snapped, "When I met you I thought I finally found the one...... But now I realize I made a mistake."

Hisashi was silent for a minute.

"Alright. If that's what you want, then fine." He then walked towards the door. Before he opened it, he turned back towards Inko. "You know Inko. Once our son dies by the hands of some villain, you'll realize I was right. You just can't be a hero without a quirk."

"GET. THE FUCK. OUT!!!" Inko shouted as she attracted a wooden spoon, throwing it at Hisashi.

As the door slammed shut, Inko had her hand over her head as she cried. She was shattered by the events that happened. Izuku heard the crying and peaked his head out the door.

"M-mommy?" he asked.

"Izuku... come here please." Inko said, softly.

Izuku went into the living room to see his Mom crying.

"What happened? Where's Daddy?" He asked.

"Daddy...... left us," Inko said.

She hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry Izuku, I wish things were different," Inko told him.

"I'm sorry you have such a disappointment of a son," Izuku said.

"No Izuku. You're not a disappointment. You did nothing wrong." Inko said.

"But..... I drove Daddy away," Izuku said as he started to cry, "...He hates me...."

Inko picked Izuku up and held the boy close to her.

"No Izuku... you didn't drive him away. I told him to leave." Inko said. "I'll support you every step of the way. I promise."

She then cradled the boy and hummed to him. Soon enough he fell asleep in her arms. 

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