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I changed my clothes in his room into the sweats he gave me. They smelt nice.

Not that Sunghoon smelt nice, definitely not. It must just…..be his cologne. Yeah.

Anyways, I slowly opened my door so I could search for the bathroom. As I opened it and looked out, I saw Sunghoon. 

But a shirtless Sunghoon. He was changing into his sweats and hadn't yep put the shirt on. I couldn’t help but look. He reached over to get the other shirt, and as he did I could see the amazing way his body moved.

He was toned and strong. Not only did he have amazing looking abs, but powerful looking arms. He started to slide on his shirt as I silently shut the door as I sat on the bed.

I could feel my beat red face, I didn’t mean to see him like that, but at the same time I don’t regret it. I want to respect his privacy, but now I can’t get him off my mind.

The way his black soft hair contrasted against his pale skin, the kindness that he showed me, if anything, having an amazing body is just icing on the cake.

I slapped myself. Idiot, he is a vampire. He has probably killed people too, for all I know I’m next on his hit list.

I flopped down on my bed, well Sunghoons bed, and decided to try and sleep. I need these thoughts off my mind, but the smell of his bed made it hard to not thing about him.

I face palmed once again. I can’t be thinking about him like this, not that I know what he really is. I refuse to like a guy like that. Just go to sleep Jake, I'm sure tomorrow will be better.


I woke up slowly as I looked around me. The room was pitch black and I couldn’t see a thing. I tried to make my way out of the room.

“Ouch!” I said as I stubbed my toe on something. I moved back and bumped into the bed, causing me to fall on the floor. I hit my head on the floor with a loud thud. 

“Shit!” I cursed as I tried to sooth my foot and head. Why does this always happen to me.

“Jake, why are you on the floor?” I heard Sunghoon ask as he turned the lights on. Of all the times he had to come in, it’s when I fell.

“Uhg just go away Sunghoon.” I whined. I covered my eyes to protect them from the bright light. In case you can’t tell, I’m not a morning person.

I heard him take steps closer to me. “Come on, I’ll get you an ice pack.” He said, trying not to laugh. I opened my eyes and he had reached his hand out to help me up.

I hesitantly took it as he helped me up. I noticed how strangely warm his hands were.

“I thought vampires were supposed to be cold?” I said to him. He laughed.

“No, that’s just an old folk tale. We are warm, helps us fit in with humans.” He said as he lead my upstairs. I could no longer focus on the pain in my toe, only the pain in my head.

That hurt like a bitch. We walked up the stairs and were met with the five other boys.

“Hey guys.” Heeseung said, he looked at me a bit hesitantly. Probably worried I would share his secret.  I sat on one of the small couches as Sunghoon went to the kitchen to get an ice pack.

“Are you okay Jake, I heard a loud thud.” Jay said. “Strange, I didn’t hear anything.” Jungwon said. Jay got a scared look as I decided to help him out.

“Oh yeah, I just fell and hit my head. Not a huge deal.” I said. Sunghoon handed me an ice pack and sat next to me. “Thank you.” I said.

“You better take care of yourself or I’m going to beat your butt.” Jungwon said and I laughed.

Jay, out of nowhere, took out his phone and took a picture. I looked to where his camera was pointing and saw Sunoo and Niki. Sunoo had fallen asleep and rested his head on Niki shoulder, and Niki rested his head on Sunoos.

It was adorable, like absolutely adorable.

“How about we go out so we don't wake them.” Heeseung whispered to all of us as we nodded. We slowly crept out of the apartment and shut the door behind us.

“I thought they hated each other?” I said.

“Well last night I woke up and saw them playing board games. They probably couldn't sleep so they hung out.” Jungwon assumed.

Makes sense to me. 

“So what do you guys normally do on the weekend?” I asked them.

“Um, not much. Sometimes we take Heeseungs car and go to the local town.” Jay said.

“OH MEH GOSH YES WE HAVE TO!” Jungwon screamed as the three vampires plug their ears and winced. I couldn’t help but laugh.


Once me, Jungwon, and Sunoo got ready we all filed into Heeseungs car. There was one problem however, there were only 5 seats. Why does he have a tiny ass car?!?

“Okay so I’m in the front with driver Heeseung, how do we want to split up the other seats?” Sunoo said.

“Excuse me, why are you in the front?” I asked. “Because I’m always the direction guy. Plus I get claustrophobic!” Sunoo retorted

“Hey, no fighting children.” Heeseung chimed in. “How about Jungwon sits on Jays lap and Jake sits on Sunghoons lap. And then Niki gets the middle.” Heeseung said with a little smirk.

“Works for me.” Niki said laughing. I looked at Jungwon and we shared a knowing glance.

“Uh, sorry but I’m not sure I feel comfortable with that.” Jungwon giggled.

“Same, Jungwon can just sit on my lap. We have been friends for years after all.” I said.

I cannot fall into these vamp boys traps. I know Sunghoon is messing with me. He is probably trying to get me to lower my guard so he can take a bite of me.

“Okay, that makes sense. Niki you can sit on Jay, you snuggle with him all the time anyways.” Heeseung laughed as Niki hit his stomach.

“Would you guys just shut up so we can go?” Niki said.

We all laughed as we filed into the car. Jungwon sat on my lap and let me tell you, it was awkward, but a shit ton better than sitting on a vampire's lap.

The drive was about an hour long and we all cracked terrible jokes and laughed together. I have to admit, these guys are funny. VERY chaotic, but funny.

After parking we got out of the car and stretched out. The town was cute with lots of small shops and restaurants. “Look, there is a cute clothing shop!” Sunoo cheered as he went in that direction.

“Awh come on, what about the petting zoo over there!” Jungwon yelled. “I want to pet the sheep!”

“How about we all just split up.” Niki suggested.

Jungwon immediately turned to Jay and Heeseung. “Please Jay hyung and Heeseung hyung, it says you need someone at least 18 to pet the animals. Please, please, please!” He begged.

“Sure, the three of us can go to the animals.” Jay laughed.

“I’ll go with you Sunoo.” Niki said. “How about Jake and Sunghoon go together. We all know Sunghoon wants to go to the ice arena anyways.”

“Alright, meet you guys here in 2 hours” Heeseung said as the two groups walked off.

“What is this I hear about an ice arena?” I asked.

I got another snow day ayoooo! I'm aiming for a 3rd haha

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