4: The Ticket

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Our love is always for the
one who deserves, but sometimes it has to go through so much suffering before it reaches them.

Please don't let these sufferings stop you from delivering it to its righful owner.

🎶The Ticket🎶

Hanna P.O.V

It's been 10 minutes since I texted him and got no reply.

Don't get me worng, it's not that I am interested or even care about him, but there is something strange about this guy. He was kinda wierd and he somehow looked familiar. I don't even know why he would look familiar to me. It's clear that I have never seen him before.

I took a quick shower and slipped in my pj's, getting ready to sleep. It's kinda a routine for me. After going under my blanket, I took out my phone to continue reading the fanfiction I was reading last night, picking it up from where I left last night until I fell asleep.

The next couple of days went the same, me getting up, doing my morning routing, and heading to school. except that fact that I was still sad about not being able to go to the concert.

" heyyyy hanna.. "Anna jumped at me as soon as I entered the class. "Omg, I can't wait tonight.. Oh my god," she squealed in excitement.

She was happy and obviously excited about the concert unlike me but I was still happy for her.

"Owwww yes. make sure to enjoy it and hey make sure to get me some signatures from them , if u can't meet all of them at least say hi to jungkook oppa for me and get me his signature hmm? " i gave her a big and excited smile to disguise my deep sadness so she don't think of me as a jealous friend.

Truth is, I was just trying to ease my sadness and comfort myself. i know her, she wouldn't even remember me once she walks into the concert.


The school time finished, and I was quietly walking to my home when I suddenly got a text massage

From weirdo_Hey dumbo ..meet me at the same cafe where we exchanged phones!

I frowned at the text. What the? what does he want now?! It's been a while since I even got a reply from him, but here he's now randomly texting me. What's even more weirder? He wants to meet up. Also, why is he always texting me when he can simply call me?

i dialled his number, and I was immediately passed to a robot saying 'The number u calling don't want to answer right now, please call them later'

He's really avoiding calls, doesn't he?

My phone dinged again with a fresh massage. And yes, as expected, it was none other than Mr. Shady. He sure is shady because all he does is being shady.

From weirdo_ If u don't come now, u will regret it and lose a very important thing!

Reading the massage got me thinking about all the things related to my phone, which could go wrong. I mean, everything is in a perfect order. Then could it be about his phone? But then I don't remember messing it up or something.

Not having any other choice, I decided to see what he's talking about, after all, the place he wanted to meet wasn't that far from where I was.

Soon, I arrived at the place, and soon as I stepped inside the cafe , I saw him slightly rising up his hand, signalling me where he's. He was seated on the same table as before, which was at the very end of the cafeteria.

I headed towards him, and again, he had a black mask on his face. a different one coupled with a pair of big black sunglasses. he was wearing an oversized long black coat that was up to his chin. Most of his hair was covered with a black cap, but I could still make out his short black bangs. he looked like a freaking criminal from an action movie. The thought gave me cold chills.

"Is this really y-you?! ... you are totally all covered up today !!" I let out an awkward breath.

Omg are you going to kidnap me or something?

I quickly covered my mouth, realizing what i just did. I said that outloud. And I could sense that he heard it all too well.

"You are really a real blockhead, aren't you? Why would I kidnap you? and why would a kidnapper ask u to meet him at a public place?" he trailed off, raising his voice a bit that it surprised me. "I just wanted to give u this, Take it or not it's up to u " he continued in the same deep and cold tone as he throw a little envelop on the table and walked out without waiting for my reply, or even giving me a chance to react.

Leaving me standing there like a status, trying to grasp the situation and get over my little faze

I understand he was mad, but it was not my fault that he looked like a creep. Who the hell wears a mask and sunglasses with a cap on, in a well known coffee?. It was his fault that he looked suspicious and now he left me dumb founded and confused with the white envelope.

I opened the envelope and for me to be shocked would be an understatement. I was not ready for what I saw inside the envelope.

"OH MY GOD," I shouted in shock, regretting it the next second when I realized how the few customers in the cafeteria were now eyeing me weirdly.

Am I dreaming because this can't be real. this ticket is so freaking expensive for all I know. I mean, it's a VVIP ticket to the BTS concert, and last time I checked, these VVIP tickets were sold out in 3 seconds. Let's not even mention their price and how hard it was to get. how could he get one?

I quickly run after him, to catch up with him and ask him why he gave me such an expensive ticket, and who he is? What his intentions are, and so many other questions, but little did I know that I was way too late. because once I went out, he was nowhere to be seen.

what's going on? is it even a real ticket? can i even go to the concert with this ?

Hi, my dear readers. U must be really mad at me, for I haven't updated for so long. I apologize to you. I am really sorry.

I am now back, and I will, hopefully, updated frequently since I have finished my other book.

Last but not least, I thank you for waiting and still being interested in this book. Please support me with voting and commenting.

Much love from your author Nayni

To be continued .....

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