6: The Fansing

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Some times,
All we need to do is a quite and alone time with just ourselves,
where you will ask you many
Where u will correct you from many wrongs.

where u will come on an agreement with you. So no one will need to do that for you

🎶The Fansing🎶

The concert was amazing. They sang many songs, and even played same lucky games. Hanna had the best of her time singing every song along with her favorite band, that she almost lost her voice. her favorite song was their comeback song 'danger'.

She was not one of the lucky numbers who ware able to go up the stage, more closer to the band and play the game directly with them,  but she was just as much happy and pleased.

To have eye contact with your one and only bias more then two three times, or to even catching him secretly stealing glances at you from time to time wasn't any less joyful then being on stage with them. His mere glances made her go on a euphoric state,  making her heart beat on an abnormal speed.

She couldn't distinguish whether it was her loud cheering that kept throwing his attention to her or whether it was just a random look and that she was just over thinking about it, but either ways she wasn't complaining. She was delighted and blissful for what ever she could get. Be it a free ticket or jungkook subtly stealing glances at her.

After some hours of hanna shouting, crying, and singing along with the ocean of fans,  The concert had to come on it's ending point. The boyband said their sweet good byes to their beloved fans And the staffs have announced the second part of the the event. that BTS will have a private meeting and fan sing with the last kucky 10 numbers_who where not able to come on stage And the first 10 winners of the game they played earlier_ in 30 minutes at the backstage.

Which caused fans to squeal and scream louder then they ever did. Though Hanna was a bit sad about not being one of these lucky fans, still, she was happy. at least she had fun watching them and it was just more then enough for her.

She was about to leave the studium when, she suddenly got stopped by a guy, actually one of the staffs.

"Miss, here let me lead you to the backstage" the young man said gesturing her the way. However little hanna was confused about his gesture. She had no idea what he was on about.

Noticing her confusion he decided to enlighten her "Are you not going to meet BTS in back stage? you were sitting one of the VVIP seats. So I thought u might want to see them on backstage."

Still confused hanna blinked blankly at the young man. "You mean BTS? I can go and see them on backstage?"

"Of course u can. U are a VVIP fan,  didn't u know that?"

Hanna's eye widened realizing the meaning of his words.

"Wait.. U mean I CAN GO AND SEE BTS IN PERSON ON BACKSTAGE?" the poor guy winche at her loudness once she was done.  She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She totally had no idea about this whole arrangement.

"Yes Miss, that's what said.  if u want I will lead you to the way" The man chuckled at her stupidness and started leading her to somewhere that she did not know. she had no idea.

OMG. What's going on?  Am I now on my way to see BTS or my grave?!

She quietly followed the young man as he led her to the backstage where some other fans where heading to as well. And that's when all of her suspicions worn off.

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