21: Lucky

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To get what u want requires effort.
U can't always get what u want but if u try, and put on effort sometimes u will learn to getting it.


"Babe, please make sure to come okay? I won't really forgive u if u don't"  Jungkook said for the nth time, repeating the same words.

"Oppa, i won't miss your show, even for the words peace. I promise. I will make it to there no matter what" hanna assured him too for the nth time.

She meant it. She would never miss a BTS show she can go. Let alone when the golden maknae of the group is now her man. definitely not.

"Okay, you promised, then see you later love" he said with big smile spreading on his face

Its been a week already, since they come clean and confessed their feelings to eachother. Two weeks have already passed, and today, It's finally the waited day, the day, 7 idols, and millions of their fans anticipated and wanted for, for many different reasons.

Some for the reason of seeing their idols, some for the reasons of seeing their fans, some for the reason of seeing their love. And  some for reasons of taking the biggest step of their life. 

Jungkook had his heart on his throat for the whole day, all kinds of mixed emotions swirling on his face. Anticipation, nervous. Exitment and most importantly, happiness, To the point where his band mates started to get worried for their younger freind.

Soon, the day started to lose its light, night fall and the show time neared, the fans started filling the stadium, not leaving an empty seat, getting on with the sweet chants of their idols names, while the guys also got ready to start their concert.

Everything was going well, except  that hanna still was not in the stadium, which had a young man walking on his toes.

Jungkook paced around the room nervously, anxiety Pilling up in his heart, as he kept calling her.

"The subscriber you dialed is switched off" said the same robotics voice from Hanna's line

"Damn!" He growled dropping his phone on the tae table infornt of him, as he closed his eyes tightly trying not to shed tears.

He's been receiving the same response for the past two hours now and he was slowly losing it. She promised to come. He was not angry or mad at her, because he knew that she meant it, that she would definitely come. He was scared, and worried. Instead

Why is her phone off?

What if something happened to her?

What if she can't make it here?

What If ...what if ....what if

The gears of his mind kept rolling and rolling non stop as many scary Questions came one after one

"Calmdown kook, I'm sure She will come as She promised. We gonna go up on stage in 10, please pull yourself together " Rm, his hyung patted his shoulder

"You know her kook, she will come, and our fans are out there now waiting for us. Come on man. Lets do this" added Taehyung shaking him a little and trying to cheer him up, which was not really that much helpful. But he had to get up and get ready for the show. For his team and fans.

Mean while,

"Can u please speed up a little " hanna said to the driver for like the 100th time, cousin the him to groan in annoyance. Its not his fault that the road is very jam. What can he do, fly the car?

"I'm trying miss, the way is jam"

She let out a sight looking at the black screen of her phone. She had to forget to charge her phone, and now she can't even let him know that she's stuck in traffic.

What If the concert ends before I even reach there?

"Can u please take a different road ? Somewhere with no traffic jam?" She anxiously asked him again

"No we can't. Don't u see that we are on a bridge?" he snapped at her. Trying his best not to strangle her.

But she was blind to his annoyance and irritation. All that's running trough her mind was jungkook. How he asked her to come multiple times and the pormis she made to him.

No, she don't want to miss it.

Afrer long minutes of being stuck in the traffic, she finally made it to the stadium. A stuff member immediately recognised her and took her inside, leading her to her a seat which was located on the fornt.

Her eyes sparkled when she saw her man singing and dancing amongst his team but then Her heart sunk when she immediately noticed something else.

It was one hour into the concert already by the the time she reached there, He was sexy, sweating, singing dancing and jumping but anyone who knows jungkook could tell that he wasn't entirely happy. His eyes were very gloomy, sad, and alot of worries could be seen in them.

Hanna did not need a Google to tell her what was happening. Or what was worng with him. She knew she was the cause of his sadness so she did what she had to do to lift up his mood.

She creamed his name at the top of her lungs, intending to deliver it to him despite of all the loud music, shouting, screaming, and jumping going on. Which she successfully delivered it to him because Jungkook's head snapped towards the crowd infront of him, searching for the source of that voice, whilst singing and dancing just perfectly, and professionally. Not getting distracted in the slightest, even though every cell of his being screamed to just stop everything, and find her.


He kept looking and searching every corner of the crowd, he wanted to make sure what he heard was acually what he thinks its and after while of his eyes skimming trough the ocean of fans, they finally foun what they've been looking for.

Like a course being lifted from a paralysed person, colours came back on his face. His eyes sparkled like a sunshine, as a sweet smile spread on his lips.  His mood was suddenly the brightest as he watched her jumping and shouting their chant names along with the crowd

Hanna's heart flattered at his mood chang, making butterfly's run down in her stomach, she was satisfied and happy because it was like reminder to her.

A reminder that, the hot and beautiful guy, every one in this studium screaming his name is hers. And that she's his. The one he choose from all those fans.

How lucky she is.


An other chapter. There you go please enjoy it.
And don't forget to comment and anyone.
Love you.

To be continued....

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