Dally's death (Chapter 20)

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A/n: My friend requested I wrote dallas' death but with our ocs!! So of course, I deliver :D

The gang and I had just gotten back from the rumble and we were patching up. Ponyboy suddenly walked in. His face was pale. Everyone looked at Ponyboy. Darry leapt to his feet.

"Where have you been?"

He stopped suddenly.

"Ponyboy, what's wrong?"

He looked at us with a frightened look. "Johnny...He's dead." His voice sounded strange. Emma, Johnny's kid sister, looked like she had just seen a ghost. "We told him about beating the Socs and I don't know... he just died." Then there was a stricken silence. Sodapop made a funny noise and looked like he was about to cry. Two-Bit's eyes were squeezed shut and his teeth were clenched. "I don't think anyone here realized how bad Johnny actually was," Charly said out of nowhere. She got up and held Emma as she sobbed. Emma's big brother, the one who she looked up to the most, was gone.

"Dallas is gone,"Ponyboy said suddenly, as if he was just told. "He ran out like the devil was after him. He's gonna blow. He can't take it." Dallas is gone. Ponyboy had a look of realization on his face. The only sound in the house was Emma's sobs and Charly's comforting words.

"So he finally broke." Two-Bit said, saying everyone's feelings. "So even Dally has a breaking point."

Ponyboy began to shake. Darry leaned over to Soda and whispered something in a low voice. "Ponyboy," Soda said in a soft voice, like he was talking to an injured animal, "sit down you look sick."

Ponyboy backed up like a frightened animal, shaking his head. "I'm okay." He looked even more pale than he did when he first walked in. "I don't want to sit down.

Darry took a step towards him but Ponyboy only backed up more. "Don't touch me," He snapped at Darry. Everyone but Emma and Charly was looking at Ponyboy. He looked like he was gonna fall flat on his face any minute. The phone rang, and after a minute of hesitation, Darry turned away from Ponyboy and picked up. He said a "Hello" then listened. He hung up quickly.

"It was Dally. He phoned from a booth. He just robbed a grocery store and the cops are after him. We gotta hide him. He'll be at the lot any minute."

We all left the house at a dead run. Even Emma and Charly. Dalton and I exchanged glances. Him and Dallas were best friends. Ponyboy didn't run in a straight line what-so-ever.

We reached the vacant lot just as Dally came in, running as hard as he could, from the opposite direction. The wail of a siren grew louder and then a police car pulled up across the street from the lot. Doors slammed as the policemen jumped out. Dally had reached the circle of light under a lamp, and skidding to a halt, he turned and jerked a black object from his waistband. My thoughts raced. I remember him telling me he was carrying a heater. It wasn't loaded but the cops didn't know that. It was only 2 days ago that Dally had told me. But it felt like years ago. So much had happened in 2 days. Johnny died. Ponyboy came back.

Dallas raised the gun. "No!" I screamed and felt arms wrap around me. They don't know he's only bluffing. And even as the policemen's guns spit fire into the night I knew that's what dally wanted. He was thrown around by the impact of the bullets. "No! No! No!" I screamed. "I don't wanna be alone again!" I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks. I saw Dalton lunge forward but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Dally crumble in the streetlight. He had a triumphed look on his face. I knew that's what my brother wanted. I knew my brother as well as I knew my own mind. "Dally!" I cried, hoping my cries for him would miraculously bring him back. I knew he was dead because Dallas Winston wanted to be dead and he always got what he wanted.

Nobody would write editorials in the paper praising my brother. Nobody would heroize him like they did Johnny and Ponyboy. Dally died a hoodlum. We all know he'd die like that some day. So would Tim and Curly and the Brumly boys.

Steve stumbled forward with a sob, but Soda caught him by the shoulders.

"Easy, buddy, easy," He said softly, "there's nothing we can do now. Suddenly, Ponyboy started swaying and he fell.

"Glory! Look at the kid!" Two-Bit yelled. Darry released me and caught Ponyboy before he hit the pavement. I ran to my brother's dead body with Dalton trailing right behind me. The cops didn't try touching me, probably because Dalton would have beat them up. I fell to my knees and looked at Dally's face. "You fool." I said coldly. "You idiot!" Dalton kneeled on the other side of Dallas. "He died galant. No one will ever know how he really was but us." Dalton said softly. I've never heard that tone from Dalton. Him and Dallas were so alike it felt like Dally wasn't dead. Dalton reached around Dallys neck and removed his necklace. He also took his ring and snuck Two-Bit's blackhandled switch into his pocket.

"You kids are gonna need to step away." A cop said as if someone hadn't died. "Why don't you shut up," Dalton said, calling the cop every name he could think of. "Sir, step away." The cop repeated. "Why don't you step away and bend over! I'll show you where my boot fits!" Cops grabbed his arms and dragged him back to the gang.

Someone must've dragged me off because I saw Dallas getting further from me. I couldn't comprehend anything. I started to snicker. Dalton's comment to the cop had just hit me. "Get this kid in a mental asylum." I heard the cop, who had helped drag Dalton away, say.

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