Careful! - Markiplier x Reader

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First off I want to thank @DistastefulHappiness for inspiring me to make this. They gave me that little push to write this.

Let's get into it!

Your POV

"Mark, you have to be careful!" I warned my boyfriend.

"Y/n, you know I always am," Mark told me.

"Sure," I scoffed, while rolling my eyes at him, and crossing my arms over my chest. "I could name a few times when you weren't."

"I'll be careful," Mark said. "I promise, Y/n/n."

I stared at my boyfriend, who was sitting on our sloping roof. The wind was being nice, nice enough for me to not hold onto the ladder that was leaning against the house. The weather was nice too, not too hot, like L.A usually is, but a nice 77 degrees fahrenheit (25 degrees celsius) with a slight breeze. Not too strong, of course. Chica was loving the weather, she was running around the yard as I anxiously watched Mark scuttle around on our roof.

Mark was getting some stuff that had gotten stuck on the roof, like some of Chica's frisbees, or other stuff that Mark has done for his chanel and had gotten stuck up there.

"Are you almost done?" I asked, worry lacing my voice. My anxiety was growing just watching him crawl around up there, thinking that he might fall.

"Yeah," Mark yelled. "There's like three or four more things up here!" 

He started to stand up, to walk over to the things up on the roof.

"Don't you dare stand up, Mark Fischbach, don't you dare!" I screamed at him, my fear for his safety skyrocketing! 

I could barely make out Mark's deep laugh that always sent butterflies to my stomach, but this time my blood boiled. He wasn't taking his safety seriously!

"I'll be fine, babe," he promised me, as he disappeared from view.

"Mark!" I shouted, thinking that he fell off the roof.

"What?" he shouted back.

"You asshole! I thought you fell off the roof!" I told him.

His kind hearted laugh soothed me for a moment and Chica barked along with him. I smiled at the golden retriever, but then I was back to worrying.

A few agonizing minutes later and my boyfriend hobbled back into view.

"Catch!" he called, and then the red bag that was full of roof garbage came soaring towards me.

I let it crash to the ground beside me, because no way in hell was I risking that exploding all over me! Chica ran over to sniff the bag, to see if she could play with it.

"You were supposed to catch it, Y/n," Mark reminded me, sitting on the edge of the roof and swinging his legs to and fro.

"I know," I said, glaring at him. "Don't you dare jump down from there, Mr. Fischbach."

"I won't," Mark laughed at my worry. "Grab onto the ladder so I can get down."

"Maybe I should let you hang there for worry me so much," I snapped at him.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Mark said, I could tell he was telling the truth. "Please, I don't want you to be mad at me. I also don't want to be up here the whole day."

I cracked a smile at him and walked across the beautiful green grass in our yard to hold the ladder steady.

When Mark's feet hit the ground, I wrapped my arms around his muscular torso.

"You scared the shit out of me," I whispered into his chest.

"Sorry, baby," Mark mumbled, squeezing me.

I could hear his chest rumble when he spoke those words, it comforted me.

"Movie?" Mark asked.

"Mhm," I hummed in response. "Chica! Come on!"

Mark picked up the red bag full of roof trash, and opened the door. 

"You first, my darling," he said, bowing mockingly.

"Thank you, peasant," I joked, walking behind Chica, who rushed into the house.

Mark gasped, I heard the door shut and the bag fall to the floor. The next second he wrapped his arms around my belly, lifting me into the air. My back pressed against his chest. I squealed as he did that.

"Mark!" I giggled. "Put me down!"

"Take back calling me a peasant!" demanded Mark in a playful voice.

"No," I held my ground. Then he started to tickle my side, with got me squirming and laughing. "I'm sorry - for - calling you - a peas - peasant!"

"There," Mark said, dropping me, "was that so hard?"

"Very," I answered. "I'll go pick a movie, Mark." I told him, pecking his lips.

"I'll go throw this in the trash outside then," Mark told me, picking up the bag.

"Got it!" I said.

I heard the door slam and Chica lay down beside me. 

"Thank God he didn't fall off that roof," I told the beautiful dog.

She barked in agreement, at least I hoped was agreement.

Word Count: 833

I hope you all enjoyed!! Feel free to comment, vote, and request!!

Jo out!

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