Hallway! - Anti x Reader

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2nd Person


That was the only word circulating through your brain. It was the only command you would ever listen to in this moment.

The long hallway made you nervous. With blood decorating everywhere you looked. A mad cackle reached everywhere, it seemed to be echoing in your head. Every part of you was demanding you to run because you could hear thunderous footsteps following you.

This hallway had been in your dreams for the past week. You always woke up just as a hand grabbed the back of your neck.

You had been running along the hallway for what felt like forever, longer than your past dreams. It was like you were in a video game and the game was lagging so you just kept running down the same hallway again and again and again and again and again and again.

Suddenly there came a turn in the hallway. A sharp left hand turn, that was never in your other nightmares.

You took it, never slowing down. Up ahead, you saw that the hallway seemed to be getting brighter, that more light filled the nightmarish corridor.

You let your hope spring up for a moment, then the creature that was cackling called your name.

"Y/nnnnnnnn," it hissed. The voice had never called out to you before.

Adrenaline cursed through your veins. The hair on the back of your neck seemed to stand up on end. Your head was pounding, and suddenly you felt faint. Your heart was beating faster than you have ever remembered it to. Your lungs were screaming, trying to get new oxygen to filter through them. Your had a stitch on both of your sides, but you couldn't slow down. You couldn't because the footsteps sounded closer than they were before. You could feel hot breath on the back of your neck, which caused you another burst of speed.

You looked ahead to the light, it seemed to be farther away then when you first saw it.

"Y/nnnnnnnn," the voice called your name again.

You could feel sweat drip down your forehead.

"Leave!" you screamed, your lungs feeling like they were on fire. "L-leave me a-alone!"

The voice cackled; louder than ever. "Oh, I d-don't think I c-can do that, darlin'."

You heard the Irish accent, and the glitchiness in the voice.

You were dreaming. This had to be a nightmare.

"It's just a bad d-dream! A - a nightm-mare!" you yelled at yourself, continuing to run. "I'll w-wake up again!"

The voice laughed. A cold and terrifying laugh. "This ain't n-no nightm-mare, lass. This - this is reality."

"N-no!" you cried, stumbling a bit. "Y-you're lying! This is a n-nightmare!"

"Believe m-me, kitten, this is n-no dr-dream!" the voice giggled. "This isn't a nightm-mare! Now, h-how about y-you stop runnin'?"

You didn't stop, you kept running. You didn't look back to see what was calling you, you knew that if you did look back you would trip and fall.

You felt a hand scrap across the back of your neck. You let out a scream, even though you knew that it was wasting the oxygen in your lungs.

The hand came for your throat again but your adrenaline gave you another burst on speed. The light was closer now just a few more meters.

The hand came back, but this time grabbed onto your collar, throwing you to the ground. Why haven't you woken up yet?

You felt the weight of the monster on top of you, but you kept your eyes clamped shut.

"Don't b-be shy," the thing purred above you. "I just w-wanted my friend to meet y-you."

Then a sharp, metal object traced a line across your neck. You coughed, feeling blood trickle from your lips. He had slit your throat, and was toying with you. Keeping you alive to torture you, you thought that it was probably worse than death.

The thing cackle, and trailed the object (something that you believed to be a knife) from your neck, to your collarbone, and to your chest. Tears welled up in your eyes, as your hearing started to fade.

The tip of the knife circled the middle of your chest, then it started to put pressure on your skin.

"Stop! Stop!" you squirmed, but the monster had his legs holding your arms next to your torso.

"It - it'll be o-over in a s-second!" the thing hushed you.

You felt the knife dig into your skin, and that's when everything seemed to stop.

Word Count: 732

I hope you all enjoyed!! Feel free to comment, vote, and request!!

Jo out!!

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