Tea Time! - Jameson Jackson x Reader

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I would do this one in Jameson's POV, but I've never read a fanfic with it being in his view, so I'm doing your POV again

Y/n/n = your nickname
F/n = friend's name

Your POV

I had been watching Netflix in my living room when my phone started ringing. I sighed as I picked it up and said, "Hello?" monotonously.

"Hey, Y/n," a voice I recognised to be Marvin responded. "I was just wondering if you have anything planned today?"

"You all will be leaving, except for Anti, and you didn't want him exploding the house, huh?" I accused. "So you want me to come over and babysit him, huh?"

"Well, Jamie's staying here," Marvin defended.

"How soon do you want me to be over?" I asked, standing up and wadling over to my coat rack and shoes.

"Well, Jamie can hold Anti off from doing anything dangerous for, like, and hour or so," said Marvin. "So, uh, within an hour. I'm sorry if you're busy, but none of us want to stay here."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes even if he couldn't see that. "Have a good day, Marvin."

"Thanks, Y/n/n," Marvin told me and then hung up.

I sighed once more and walked out of the door and to my car. I arrived there within the hour time limit and sat in my car for a moment, just taking some breaths before I had to restrain from straggling Anti. Today would be a long day.

I exited my car and walked straight to the doors and knocked confidently. Jamie opened the door.

"Hey, Jamie," I greeted. He gave me a smile and wave in greeting back. "I assume that Marvin told you I would be arriving?" He nodded. "Has Anti done anything yet?"

Jamie shook his head and gestured to the inside of the house.

"Thanks," I said walking in. 

I heard the door shut behind me and then Jamson appeared ahead of me, walking towards the kitchen. He turned around and beckoned me forwards, towards the kitchen. I picked up my pace and walked into the kitchen.

Anti was sitting at the table and looked up when he heard us enter.

"Oh, hey, Y/n/n," Anti said. "What're you doing here?"

"To babysit you," I replied, sitting down next to him.

"Of course, why else would you be here," Anti snarled. I knew it wasn't pointed at me, but at the other egos.

"I do like being here, Anti," I consoled him.

"But you wouldn't be here unless you were told to be here," pouted Anti.

I didn't know how to respond to his statement, so I merely shrugged.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jamie sign something to Anti. I caught on after the first couple words.

'- don't ask her things like that. Now, go play in your room or something.'

Anti scowled and glitched away I turned to look at Jameson, as if to ask him what he was talking about.

Jamie signed at me, 'I could tell that you didn't like the way he said that, so I told him to stop. Would you like some tea?'

"Sure, yeah, I'd love some," I said.

Jameson smiled as he turned around and got the tea bags ready in some mugs. I turned back to the table and started texting F/n. They were hanging out with their partner today. They did this, they'd go out for a day and just be with one another. Relationship goals, am I right?

Jameson sat the mug down in front of me and I shut my phone off.

"Thanks, Jamie," I said, sipping on the hot beverage. "So where is everyone today?"

Jamie shrugged as he sipped his own tea.

The day was better than I thought it would be. Anti stayed pouting in his room, and Jamie and I spent the day together. I wouldn't tell any ego this, but Jameson is be my favourite. He's so kind and sweet, thoughtful and caring, and just has the perfect boyfriend material.

Wait! Boyfriend!? I don't like Jamie! Do I?

Word Count: 673

I had no idea how to end this, I'm sorry. I hope you all enjoyed!! Feel free to comment, vote, and request!!

Jo out!!

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