Cool Move, Dude! - Bingiplier x Reader

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Y/n/n = your nickname

Your POV

"Y/nnnnnnnn!" Bing shouted for me, running in the manor. "Where are youuuuu?"

"For fuck's sake!" I heard Google curse from the floor beneath me. "Can you not be so annoying for just one day, Bing?"

"No can do, dude," Bing replied. "Do you know where Y/n is?"

"Probably up in their room avoiding you," Google snapped.

"Why would anyone want to do that?" Bing asked, I heard his footsteps clomp up the staircase. "Y/nnnnnnnn." he called for me again.

"Yeah!?" I responded from my bed. I had been reading all afternoon, hoping to avoid everyone, but I can't just ignore Bing, he's my best friend after all.

"There you are," he said, walking into my rom, not even bothering to knock.

"What d'ya need?" I asked him, putting my bookmark in the book I had been reading.

"I just learnt this cool ass trick," Bing told me, laying down beside me, careful not to harm my book.

"And...?" I prompted him to tell me more.

"And... you've got to come and watch me nail it!" Bing exclaimed, jumping up.

"Can't it wait just a bit longer, Bing?" I groaned. "I have like two chapters left in my book until I'm finished."

"Come on, Y/n/n," whined Bing. "It'll take like five minutes."

I groaned again, and responded, "Sure, okay, but only five minutes." Goddammit, I bet that if I didn't have the world's biggest crush on him I would be able to say no.

"Thank you, Y/n/n," Bing said, a grin spreading across his face. "You won't regret it."

"It'll be the judge of that," I grinned back. "Come on, let's go."

We ran down the stairs and past a clearly annoyed Google, and through the front doors. Bing bent down to pick up his skateboard and to the backyard, where Bing had set up his own mini skatepark.

"Okay, show me your trick," I said sitting down on the lawn chair.

Bing smiled, giving me a thumbs up and then performed his "cool ass trick" which was really just an Ollie Trick, but it was still better than what I could do. The Ollie was also smoothly executed so, I should give him that.

"Cool move, dude," I said once he looked to me for a comment. "How'd you learn how to do that?"

"YouTube," Bing replied with a shrug. "I've been learning some bomb tricks from this one channel. Maybe you should try it."

I laughed, thinking his was joking, but his face was serious.

"Oh come on, Bing, you know that I'd end up just falling on my face," I told him.

"Well you know what they say, practice makes perfect," he quoted.

"With what board? I haven't got a skateboard."

"You could always use mine," Bing suggested.

I felt heat rise to my face. "What if I accidently break it," I countered, trying to force my blush to leave my face.

"I can always buy a new one," Bing said. "I could always beg Mark for some green stuff to buy another one."

"But -"

"Come on, Y/n, live a little," Bing sighed. "I won't care if you accidently break it, I know you'd have fun."

"I don't even know how to ride a skateboard," I pointed out.

"I can teach you," Bing offered, making an even heavier blush return to my face. "I have the basics down, I don't think you'd be that hard to teach."

I sighed and glared at him, "Fine."

"Great," he smiled at me. "Tomorrow then?"

"Sure, sounds good," I agreed, walking back towards the house.

I walked back to my room, going to read me book, but the same thought plagued my mind.

"I am going to make a fool of myself."

Word Count: 603

I hope you all enjoyed!! Feel free to comment, vote, and request!!

Jo out!!

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