All Mine! - Yandereiplier x Yandere!Reader

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2nd Person

You wouldn't call yourself jealous when it came to your boyfriend, Yandere, but you definitely were. (To make things more even, so was he).

It's not your fault that your dull word turned into bright colours when you saw him for the first time, and it wasn't his fault that the same thing happened to him. You two were meant to be together, the universe wanted you together, and who would you two be to say 'fuck that'?

You two loved each other more than anything. You would protect each other at all costs, even if you knew that the other could protect themselves.

You two were in love, and you couldn't ignore that. You two would do anything for one another; AN. E. THING! Even murder. Which was exactly what Yan was doing right now.

He was in a dark alley early in the morning after you told Yan that your coworker had asked you out. Yan was advancing on your coworker with a knife.

"You knew they had a boyfriend," Yan told your coworker, "so why'd you do it?"

"I-I don't k-know," your coworker wailed. "I didn't think that you'd mind I guess."

"But you knew that they wouldn't cheat on me," snapped Yan.

"I won't ask them out again," your coworker promised. "I'll leave them alone, just please, let me go."

"I don't think so," Yan said with a sadistic smile. "You see, you'd go tell the police what I did. I can go to jail, but I can't leave my Y/n all alone. They need me as much as I need them. So only I will be leaving this alley today. It was good talking to you though."

Yan was right, Charlie Wright did not leave that alley.


"Yan, where were you!?" you cried, running up to your boyfriend and hugging him.

"Taking care of a few things, babe," Yan replied, hugging you back. "I'll do whatever you want today to make it up to you."

"Okay," you happily agreed. "What do you want to do first? Make cupcakes? Watch a Netflix series? Play Battleship?"

"Whatever you want, Y/n," Yan smiled lovingly at you. "Whatever you want."

"Then cupcakes it is then!" you cheered. You ran over to the cupboard where you and Yan kept the cake mixes. "What kind do you want to make? We have chocolate, vanilla, red velvet, confetti, and strawberry."

"Any of them sound good, Y/n," Yan told you, walking over to stand beside you.

"Does (your favourite one of those options) sound good to you, Yan?" you asked him.

"Sounds great, Y/n," Yan responded.

That day was spent making four dozen cupcakes, throwing flour at one another, cleaning up the flour you two threw everywhere, eating the cupcakes while binge watching your favourite Netflix show, playing Battleship, and making more cupcakes for fun!

All you two were thinking that day was how luck you two were to end up together. Yan was also thinking how long it would take for someone to find the dead body of Charlie Wright, and hoping that he wouldn't be blamed for the murder. He was telling Charlie the truth when he said he couldn't leave you alone without him. Yan loved you too much for that.

Word count: 561

I hope you all enjoyed!! Feel free to comment, vote, and request!!

Jo out!!

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