No Tree Climbing! - Dr. Iplier x Reader

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Your POV

It was a nice day and I thought that hanging out in the backyard would be fun. Well, I decided to do some tree climbing, racing Wilford to the top and back down again.

Wilford would keep cheating by jumping down from the top, it seemed impossible for him to die. He's immortal or something.

The next time we climbed higher trees, I had beat him to the top when he was half was up, so I shimmed down until I was about half way and jumped. It was about fifteen feet, when I jumped.

"Y/N!" cried Wilford as he heard a bone snap and I howled in pain.

I heard a thump beside me, but I kept my eyes shut, and my teeth clamped together. God, that hurt!

"Are you okay?" Wilford asked me, rubbing my back.

"Does it look like I am?" I hissed, and then cried out in pain.

"No," Wilford replied. "I'll get Dr. Iplier, you sit here."

"WHERE THE FUCK WOULD I GO, WILFORD!?" I screamed at him.

"You get a little angry when you break bones," Wilford said in a joking manner.

"Go get the fucking doctor," I hissed, annoyance and pain lacing onto every word that fell from my lips.

"You got it, bucko," Wilford responded and dashed away before I could yell at him again.

I sat there for what felt like hours, it was probably just like five to ten minutes, but the stabbing pain turned into like five thousand different knives stabbing my leg. I kept my eyes closed, I didn't want to see how bad the break was. I felt like my teeth was shatter from the amount of force I was pressing them together for. After a while I heard a voice call my name.

"Y/n!" It was Dr. Iplier. I heard other footsteps. "Are you alright?"


"Sorry," Dr. Iplier apologized. "You're right, your leg is broken. Dark, can you teleport them to my office, I'll help them from there."

"Dark's here?" I asked, talking through my teeth.

"Yes, I am," I heard Dark's voice get closer to me. "This might jostle your leg a bit, darling."

"Great," I said sarcastically.

Then I felt nothing, then I was on something, and screamed in pain. It did more than "jostle" my leg.

"Sorry, are you okay!?" Dark asked.

"Do I -"

"No, no you don't," Dark interrupted me. He knew what I was going to say. Good, I didn't want to strain my voice, yelling at everyone today.

We sat in silence for a couple seconds, until I heard the front door open and a hell of a lot of footsteps. A few more seconds and two more pairs of footsteps walked into the room.

"Hey, Y/n," Dr. Iplier's voice rang through the room. "Is your leg feeling any better?"

"No," I hissed through gritted teeth. "I'm probably more aware of the pain than I was when it first happened."

"What did happen?" Dr. Iplier asked as I heard him shuffling around the room, probably looking for some stuff.

"Well - OW! Don't touch my leg!" I snapped at whoever poked at my leg.

"Geez, okay, okay." Wilford. "It's your own fault for jumping anyway."

"Well if you actually climbed down the tree, I wouldn't have felt the need to jump and beat you for once," I snarled at him.

"Haven't I told you two children to stop climbing the trees!?" Dark said in a threatening tone.

"Yes..." Wilford and I responded slowly.

"Great, no tree climbing then," Dr. Iplier announced walking back to the hospital table I was most likely sitting on. "This might hurt a tad, Y/n."

And boy did it, but in the end my leg was in a cast and on it's way to heal.

I will still be having tree climbing competitions with Wilford though.

Word Count: 642

I hope you all enjoyed!! Feel free to comment, vote, and request!!

Jo out!!

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