Drunk! - Wilford x Reader

189 8 1

3rd Person

Y/n was never one for parties, but their boyfriend Wilford Warfstache was. They had started to warm up to parties with Wilford at their side.

Y/n always needed to keep an eye on Wilford when he was drunk, because the second he has too much alcohol in his system he will literally forget everything, and will most likely be leaning against any surface so he does not fall.

Now, another Saturday, another party. Wilford's company always threw a party every Saturday, and that's how Wilford had gotten Y/n to get going to parties; they liked it a lot more now that they knew almost everyone who would go. No one new every really showed up, unless a co-worker of Wilford's brought a new plus one.

"Y/n! Are you ready to go!?" Wilford called for his partner, by the door.

"Give me a second, Wil!" Y/n answered from the bathroom.

Wilford smiled in the direction of his partner's lovely voice. A few minutes later they appeared.

"Sorry," they apologized. "Dropped my ring, and it took me forever to find it."

"It's fine, my dear," Wilford said, kissing the top of their head. "Let's go, my love."

He opened the door and gestured for Y/n to walk ahead first. Y/n giggled at his antics and walked towards Wilford's car, but Wilford raced ahead to open the passenger door for them.

"You're being extra polite today," Y/n told him when Wilford climbed into the driver's seat.

"Just for you, my dear," cooed WIlford. "I also know what a burden I am to you when I'm drunk."

"Oh, Wil, you'll never be a burden," Y/n promised.


The couple had been at the party for about an hour now. Y/n was chatting with Wilford's manager, Kathryn, and Wilford was off somewhere getting drunk with his colleagues.

"Do you want something to drink?" Kathryn asked after she finished telling Y/n about the newest work gossip.

"I'm good," Y/n answered. "I'm the designated driver."

"You can't just get a taxi for you and Wilford?" Kathryn said, walking towards the beers, Y/n following close behind her.

"We already brought the car," Y/n told her. "It's fine, really. I don't mind taking care of Wil. He's funny when drunk."

Kathryn and Y/n giggled.

"Speaking of Wilford," Kathryn gestured towards the other end of the room. Y/n turned around and saw a drunk Wilford heading their way. "I'll leave you to deal with him," Kathryn said, turning and walking towards some other people there.

"Hello," Wilford said, walking up next to them.

"Hi," Y/n said back.

"Can I just say you look gorgeous, my darling?" Wilford flirted.

"Thank you," Y/n responded. "You look quite handsome yourself."

"Are you single?" Wilford asked.

Oh, God, Y/n mentally face palmed, he doesn't remember me!

Wilford gazed drunkenly at the beautiful person ahead of him. He could feel his heart swell with love when he looked at their face. He looked at them, hoping that they were single.

"No, sorry, I have a boyfriend," Y/n replied.

Wilford's eyes filled with tears. Y/n noticed this and wanted to wipe his tears away, but they knew that they couldn't.

"Well, uh, "Wilford croaked, the tears almost falling, "he's a lucky guy."

"Hm," Y/n hummed and set a hand on the table that held the booze to stop themself from hugging him.

Wilford walked away from them and sat in the corner, silently crying for the rest of the night. He kept stealing glances at them, and by the end of the night he had called an Uber home and Y/n drove home. Wilford was already sleeping when they arrived, so they let him be, knowing that he'd be needing help in the morning.

Word Count: 602

I hope you all enjoyed!! Feel free to comment, vote, and request!!

Jo out!!

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