Stuck Together! Part 2 - Marvin x Reader

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2nd Person

Day Two

You wake up to an arm draped over your waist. You almost scream before realizing that it's Marvin's.






It's Marvin's.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" you scream, throwing his left arm off of yourself. "MARVIN! I told you to keep away from me!"

Marvin's eyes open drowsily, not understanding why he's being yelled at so early in the morning. When he sees your face he scowls and says, "What do you want?"

"I woke up to your arm over my waist!" you yell at him. "Did I not tell you to not come near me in the night?"

"I didn't do it consciously!" Marvin defends himself from your rage.

You glower at him until Henrik calls from downstairs, "BREAKFAST! YOU TWO VANT ET, OR NOT!?"

"Let's go," you say, pulling Marvin out of his room and to the dining room. "Morning," you say to the other egos around the room.

"Morning," they say back.

"How vas your sleep?" Henrik asks you.

"It was okay," you answer, giving Marvin a quick glare, who rolls his eyes in return. "Did you get any sleep last night, Henrik?"

Henrik rubs the back of his neck, "A little."

You giggle lightly, and get your breakfast which was pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

The rest of the morning actually went by pretty smoothly. There weren't too many arguments from Marvin and you, which seemed to make the others hopeful that you two were becoming friends; which you two weren't. You just tried to ignore each other the best you could, which sometimes didn't work the best since it was kinda hard to operate with one arm.

"Marvin, Y/n, could you two go to the store?" Jackie asks as you and Marvin were sitting on the couch watching Rick and Morty. "We're running low on groceries."

"Can I finish this?" you groan, not looking away from the tv screen.

"Yeah," Marvin replies, standing up and tugging on your wrist.

"Fuck off, Marvin," you hiss. "Let me finish this episode. There's like ten minutes left."

"And by the time it's done, we'll have forgotten about it," Marvin says. "Lets just go now. You can pause it and finish it later."

You groan, but pause the show nonetheless. You stand from the couch and Marvin immediately drags you towards the door. 

"Hold on," you say, jerking on the handcuffs. Marvin and Jackie turn to you. "What do you think people will say when they see us wearing handcuffs in the middle of a store? Do you know how weird people will think we are?"

"To be fair, you guys are weird," Jackie says. "But you do have a point. ANTI!"

Anti appears behind Jackie and asks, "What?"

"Marvin and Y/n are going to the store, could you take the handcuffs off?" Jackie requests.

Anti looks away from Jackie and to you and Marvin. He smirks slightly and snaps his fingers. Instead of the handcuffs disappearing from your wrist it actually turns them into matching bracelets. You wiggle your arm around to see if there's an invisible rope holding them together, and your guess was right.

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