Stuck Together! Finale - Marvin x Reader

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Real quick: I want to thank you all for 1000+ views!! I just saw that we hit it and I could not be happier! So thank you all for reading, because it made my day, and possibly my whole week!! Thank you all, I never thought that people would actually read this!!

Marvin's POV

I look up as I hear my bedroom door open. I relax as I realize that it's not Y/n.

"Hey, Sean," I say, turning back to my spellbook.

"Hi, Marvin," Sean responds, walking to my bed and sitting on it. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I shrug, and turn away from my book and to Sean.

"Why have you been avoiding Y/n?" he asks.

I stare at him for a while before slowly saying, "Why do you ask?"

"Because you guys were acting like friends, and then the second you're not attached to them, you put yourself right back to stage one."


"You're back to being an ass to them," Sean clarifies. "You know, they're trying their best to be your friend, and you're being nothing but a complete asshat!"

I look down at my lap. "It's difficult to explain."

"Then at least try to be their friend! What did they do to make you hate them so much?"

"None of your business, Sean," I snap.

"Fine, be like that. But Y/n really is trying to be your friend." And with that Sean walked right out of my room.

"Whatever," I mutter, turning back to my spellbook and continuing my work.


"Hey, Marvin," Jackie says, waltzing into the kitchen, where I am currently working on a new spell.

"Hey," I respond, briefly glancing up to look at him.

"Could you do me a favour?"


"Could you go and rake the backyard, please?" requests Jackie.

"No," I reply.

"Come oooooooon, Marv. Please, someone is already out there, you'd have help."

"Who's out there?" I ask.

Jackie shrugs. "I don't know. Henrik just said that I am going to go outside and rake the leaves. He also said that he'd get someone else to go and do it. Please, Marv? I'll do you a favour. I have something really important right now. Pleeeeease?"

I sigh, "Fine."

"Thank youuuuuu," Jackie basically sings, running for the door. "I owe you one!"

Seconds later I hear Jackie's car roll away from the house and to wherever he's headed. I sigh and walk out of the door and turn towards the backyard. When I see who the other one who's raking the backyard I pause and start to walk back inside.

"Oh, Marvin, I thought that Jackie was going to help me," Y/n says, their face confused.

"I'll go and get someone else to help you," I respond coldly, facing them.

"Come on, Marvin, raking the leaves isn't that hard," Y/n jokes.

"No, but doing it with you will be."

Y/n put their hands on their hips and sneers, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you won't keep quiet, and I was hoping for a quiet day."

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