Stuck Together! Part 3 - Marvin x Reader

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3rd Person

Day Three

Y/n flies forwards, their forehead slick with sweat, and a scream lodged in their throat. A nightmare. Y/n takes a look at the alarm clock beside Marvin's bed. The time read two o'clock in the morning. Y/n sighs, knowing that they can't just get up and splash some cold water on their face or get a cup of water. It'd wake Marvin, and as much as they hate him, they wouldn't wake him up at two in the morning.

They sigh once more, sitting up. Y/n tries their best to not jostle Marvin's wrist too much and wake him up. They scan the room, looking for something, anything, to distract them from the nightmare they just experienced. Nothing seemed to pop out to them, so they lie back and try counting sheep. They knew that it was childish, but they wanted to get back to sleep, without waking Marvin. However they never manage to go back to sleep.

By the time the clock reads 3:38 AM tears are cascading their way down their face. Y/n had been quiet with their crying for about five minutes until they couldn't choke back a sob.

When Marvin heard something close to a sob he bolts upright, and opens his tired eyes. There he sees Y/n, tears glistening on their face. Their tears seem to glow from the moonlight pouring in through the window. 

They were the one that was crying, Marvin realizes, his eyes widening.

Y/n looks away from Marvin when they see that he had seen that they were crying. They hope that Marvin would just not care and go back to sleep.

When another sob breaks its way from Y/n's mouth; Marvin puts a hand on Y/n's shoulder and asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Y/n says, their voice breaking.

"What's wrong?" Marvins questions, his voice concerned.

"Nothing," Y/n lies, another sob bursting from their mouth. 

"That doesn't sound like 'nothing' to me," Marvin says. "You know you can tell me, Y/n. I don't hate you that much to let you cry about something."

"It's stupid," Y/n snaps, batting his hand off their shoulder. "You'll just laugh... that's how stupid it is."

"I won't laugh," Marvin promises. "You can tell me what's bothering you, Y/n. I promise I won't laugh."

"I - I," Y/n stutters, "I h-had a nightm-mare. I kn-know it's stupid, but it scared t-the living s-shit out of m-me. I c-can't even r-remem-ember what it was a-and I-I'm crying abou-bout it. G-God, I can't be-believe I told y-you th-that. God this is s-so embarrassing."

"It's normal to have nightmares," Marvin says, "it makes you human. Right now it will just be best to let it out. Just take a couple of deep breaths, try and think of something calming that will keep your mind away from your nightmare."

Marvin takes his hand off of Y/n's shoulder as he notices that they're calming down. He leans against his bedroom wall and closes his eyes, a second later Y/n's head hits the front of his chest. 

"Must have fallen asleep," Marvin thinks opening his eyes and wrapping his arms around their body. Marvins takes a deep breath and falls asleep instantly.


Y/n wakes up to the feeling of arms around them, they breathe in a relaxed sigh and try to go back to sleep. But them the person of whom the arms might belong to pop into their mind. Marvin.

"Again?" Y/n sighs to themselves, but doesn't make any movement to get out of his arms; in fact, they actually snuggle deeper in his arms.

Marvin smirks to himself, but stops when a question pops into his head, "Why am I happy about this?" He shrugs off the question and pulls Y/n closer to his body.

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