Assistant! - Wilford Warfstache x Reader

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F/c = Favourite colour

Your POV

"Today's the day," I told myself while walking to my new work building. "It's no big deal," I kept reassuring myself. "You're just getting to be the assistant of your favourite interviewer...that you've had a big time crush on since he first appeared on TV."

How could I not like a guy like him? He was cute, funny, and didn't take nobody's shit.

Sure, he was a murderer, but everyone's a murderer if you push them far enough.

(Please don't murder anybody, I'm not saying that there are excuses to murder. This is a oneshot book with made up characters.)

When I arrived at the office building a lady with brown hair and glasses seemed to be waiting for me.

"Are you Y/n L/n?" she asked me.

"Yes," I answered.

"I'm Kathryn," she told me, sticking her hand out. I took her hand in my own and shook it. "I'm the manager. I'll show you to Mr. Warfstache, and please try not to piss him off."

"Will do," I nodded.

Kathryn lead me down a hallway, and past several doors, until we came across one that had a golden star that read 'Wilford Warfstache' in bright pink letters. 

Kathryn knocked on the door and a second later the door opened.

"Wilford," Kathryn spoke to him.

"Yessssss," he responded, dragging out the 's'.

"This is your new assistant Y/n L/n," Kathryn informed Wilford. "Try to be nice to them." And with that Kathryn walked away.

"Well, come in," invited Wilford.

I took a step inside the room, my nerves jumping everywhere.

Wilford Warfstache was sitting on a pale pink armchair, with his legs flung over the arm rests, and his attention set on me.

"Um, hi," I said awkwardly, and mentally face-palming. "I'm Y/n."

"Well, hello, Y/n," Wilford exclaimed, jumping up from his chair and walking over to me. He grabbed my hand and instead of shaking it, raised it to his lips.

My face felt like it was on fire. "What a gentleman," I thought.

"As you know, I'm Wilford Warfstache," Wilford introduced himself, "and my manager wanted me to get another assistant since my last one mysteriously vanished."

I gulped.

"But it was only probably because he called someone here a cold-blooded murderer," shrugged Wilford. "So as long as you don't call anyone here a cold-blooded murderer, than you're good."

"Thanks for the tip," I said.

"So, Y/n, what made you want to get this job?" Wilford asked, seeming to circle around me.

"Well I always found your show fascinating," I replied, being honest. "And I had just been fired from me old job, so when this one popped up... I kinda just jumped at the chance, y'know?"

Wilford smiled kindly at me, his beautiful brown eyes twinkling.

"Oh, God, is he gorgeous," I thought.

"How about I take you out for the day, just so we can get to know each other," offered Wilford.

My heart fluttered. "Uh, yeah, sure, yeah," I stuttered, cursing my terrible social skills.

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