I Like You! - Chase Brody x Reader

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f/d/m = favourite Disney movie
y/n/n = your nickname
e/c = eye colour

Chase's POV

It's been a year since Stacy left, I've been better since my best friend, Y/n, got me going to therapy and got rid of some stuff in my house. They've really been the reason I keep going.

Today it has been one year since Stacy left with my kids, Y/n said that they had an idea to keep my mind off of it, but I doubt anything can keep me from it. I do appreciate Y/n trying though, but it's pretty much pointless at this point in time.

"Chase!" Y/n called knocking at my front door.

I heaved myself off of my couch and sluggishly dragged myself over to the door to open it.

"Hey, how are you?" they asked, pushing past me and into my house.

"I've been better," I sighed closing the door. "What was your plan for today?"

"The carnival's in town," they informed me, walking to the kitchen.

I followed them and asked, "Since when?"

"Since yesterday, Chase," they answered, opening my fridge.

"Cool," I said smiling. "When do we leave?"

"After I get a drink," Y/n replied, straightening up with a can of coke in their hand. "You want one?" they jerked their thumb in the direction of my open fridge.

"Hell yeah, bro," I responded.

They reached back into the fridge and pulled out another can of coke, and passed it to me. A comfortable silence filled the air as we calmly drank our cokes. I finished before Y/n did and just stared at them, kinda pressuring them to hurry up.

"What?" they asked after I had been staring at them for a while. Their face was a bit pink, I guess I made them uncomfortable. I know that Y/n hates to be stared at.

"Sorry," I apologized looking down to the empty can I was fiddling with. "Kinda just hoping that you'll be finished soon and then we can go."

"You're like a little kid, dude," chuckled Y/n as they threw the can into the recycling by the door. It bounced off the rim and hit the floor. "Damn, that was almost in." they said walking over to it and actually throwing it into the recycling.

"It was close, bro," I told them, putting my own can into the bin. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah, yeah," they replied. "We taking my car or yours?"

"My car's been weird lately," I answered, opening the door.

"You know what's wrong with it?" questioned Y/n, walking into the outdoors.

"No," I responded, walking through the door and locking it. "Maybe I should take it to a mechanic."

"Well what's it doing?" they asked.

"It's hard to explain," I rubbed the back of my head. "Let's just go."

"Alright," they shrugged, walking over to their car. "Let's go." they gestured to their passenger seat as they got into the driver's.


"Fuckin' love cotton candy," I mumbled tearing off another piece of my blue cotton candy.

"I know," laughed Y/n. "You've been shoveling your face full of it."

"I'm sorry, did you want some?" I shoved the cotton candy in their face.

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