The Effect He Has! - Google x Reader

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I got a request for a Google x Reader about a month ago, and here it is. I cannot find the account that requested it, but I hope that you like it, whoever you are.

Your POV

"How hot is it?" I ask the android sitting in his favourite chair and reading his favourite book.

"The weather," he says, setting his book down, "or you?" he gains a smirk. God, I love his smirk.

I roll my eyes at him, trying my best not to blush. Cheeky bastard.

"You know what my question was referring to, smart ass," I snap in a teasing tone.

"Twelve," Google replies, going back to his book. I can still see the smirk on his face.

"That's freezing for Los Angeles!" I say.

"I was talking about you, not the weather," Google sets the book down again and smirks at me once more.

"Google," I whine, sitting down on the armrest of his chair, a small pink flare beginning on my face. "I want to know what the temperature outside is."

Google chuckles and snakes his arm around my waist, bringing me down to sit on his lap. Sometimes I wish that I couldn't blush, because whenever I do Google teases me about it.  Google laughs at seeing my red face, his eyes twinkling with mischief. 

"It's 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius)," Google finally answers my question. "Why do you ask, Y/n? Did you have a plan for today?"

"No, it just felt really hot today," I tell him. "It's been in the mid sixties all week, and it jumping up that much makes it sweltering!"

"I'm surprised you used sweltering correctly. You don't seem to be a kind of person with that advanced of a vocabulary."

"Hey!" I cry, slapping Google's chest. "I have just as an advanced vocabulary as you, Mr. Dictionary."

Google laughs at me. "I doubt that."

"Oh, really?" I raise my eyebrow at him and get off his lap.

"Yes, really," Google says.

"Are you just thinking that because you don't want me to prove that I am smarter than you?"

"I am a search engine, no one is smarter than me."

I roll my eyes at his cockiness.

"Even if you are smarter than me you don't have to put me down," I say and walk towards the kitchen.

"Y/n!" Google calls for me, his voice holding a pouting tone. "Y/n! I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it!"

"Then don't say it!" I call back, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter.

I hear shuffling from the living room. Knowing it's Google, and he's going to come and apologize, I don't react, I keep on facing the counter.

"I'm sorry," Google says from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, causing me to blush. I'm lucky he can't see it, seeing on how he's behind me. "I shouldn't have said that. Forgive me?"

I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth, trying to calm the raging blush on my face. "I will if you can think of your words before you say it."

"Deal," Google agrees and buries his head in my neck.

The red that was coating my cheeks spread across my face, to my ears and down my neck. I hate how he has that effect on me. 

"Do you have a fever or something?" asks Google. "You're getting really warm." When I don't reply Google adds, "Are you blushing?"

I can feel his smirk grow against my neck as I stutter, "N-no!"

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