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"Wait wait wait. You said that as a joke and you got in trouble?" I gave a small smile and nodded "yeah, but thats not what's expected of the middle child at my home." Mirabel sighed "I know the feeling." I nodded "dont you get in trouble for hanging out with me all the time?" She laughed "no. At least not unless Abuela knows." I laughed a little "I thought you guys worked all that stuff out?" She nodded "we did just not all all of it ya know?" We took a turn and almost collided with Luisa who was moving the church again "hey sis you seen mom? I haven't seen her since this morning."

I thought about making a joke, but decided it was better if I didn't in case something bad had happened to their mom.

"No I haven't. Was there a reason you were looking for her?" Luisa looked down at me making me look away. It was no secret she intimidated me "I think I saw her by the water fountain earlier did you look there?" They both looked at me "I haven't walked by there yet today. I'll go look real quick. Thanks Y/n." She left and Mirabel elbowed me "she still intimidates you? Why? She's just a big baby." I shrugged "yeah she does and its probably because she can carry a whole church or anything for that matter." She giggled "maybe you just need to spend one day with her while she's doing her chores. She's harmless...for the most part." I only rolled my eyes at her with a small smirk "I gotta go home. I'll see you whenever I guess." She laughed "yeah I'll see you whenever. Like maybe tomorrow morning to meet up with Luisa." I only shook my head as I headed in the direction of home.

I lived deep in the forest along the base of one of the mountains, so I was usually alone most the day until my family returned unless I took up the job as the villages only restaurant cook when the normal one couldn't make it in. You'd think it would be Julieta, but its not always her cooking people are looking forward to sometimes they want something that won't heal you, but still tastes amazing and thats when the restaurant comes in to play. On rare occasions the Madrigal family will visit and when they do so does the whole village.

As I sat down on the kitchen stool I heard the call of a toucan and Antonio's laughter as he got closer and closer to my small home, so I decided to meet him one hundred feet from my front door.

I leaned on a tree and waited and I didn't have to wait long because within a few seconds the jaguar he was riding ran up to me and stopped.

"Antonio you know you aren't supposed to be out here. Go back home." He shook his head "and why not?" He looked away from me "because I got in trouble with Abuela again." I sighed "you know this is the first place Mirabel is going to look and the last place your Abuela is going to look why come here?" He sighed and climbed off his jaguar "because I want more then just an animal friend." I gave a small smile and he knew I couldn't resist his puppy dog eyes "ok fine you can stay here for a few hours, but if your whole family shows up on my doorstep you're in for it." I ruffled his hair and he giggled before following me into my house.

"I'm hungry. Can you make something?" I nodded "of course I can. Whta do you want?" He thought for a moment before answering "can you make empanadas?" I paused "...yeah I can."

As I made the food he sat quietly and I guessed sit was because he knew his family would be looking for him by now and Dolores could hear him wherever he was. I finished it all up faster then I thought I would and he was really quite excited as I handed him his plate.

"Be careful it'll be hot." I decided to eat with him since I made enough for three people and about halfway through the meal there was a knock on my door. I already knew it was Mirabel, so I just answered with a "come in." But it definitely wasn't Mirabel, instead it was her older sister Luisa who entered just as Antonio ducked under the table with his food "have you seen Antonio? He got in trouble with Abuela because the toucans flew off with something." I shook my head "no I haven't seen him. Not in the last ten seconds at least." He sighed and crawled out from under the table "I thought you said I could stay here?" I gave him a smile "I did and now that times up, so you have to go home with Luisa ok? You can't stay here forever."

"I'll let him finish his food first. He hasn't ate in a few hours." She just closed the door behind herself and stood waiting making me nervous "so Y/n, Mirabel said you wanted to hang out with me tomorrow while I do chores is that true?" My heart stopped. I had forgot all about that "it wasn't really me wanting to. Mirabel is just trying to make me less intimidate by you is all." She smiled after her eyes grew wide for a second "why are you intimidated by me?" I sighed "theres alot of reasons. Most of them you could lift." She giggled "thats a good one. You should tell more jokes around Abuela she might change her mind about you." I shook my head "no its ok I'm not worried about it."

We both looked at Antonio just as he finished his last bite "that was delicious thank you." I smiled "you're welcome now head home with-" I heard her stomach grumble and looked at her "are you hungry too?" She shook her head "no I'll be ok." I went to object then realized what I was doing and fell silent "ok. You guys get home safe ok?" She gave a small smile before leaving with him not saying anything at all as they walked away both in silence.

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now