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You decided after a week of doing what felt like nothing it was time to switch it up and started to make TikToks over the next month. Some with Luisa and some without. You did some of the trends on there and also started a new one, but there was one you had yet to do to Luisa that you knew would get you 'in trouble' with her.

Luisa laid on the bed watching some of your childhood cartoons while you were in the bathroom undressing. You had been waiting to do this one specifically to see if she would react how you thought she would or if she'd just freeze up.

You started the video with you walking out of the bathroom towards Luisa who was completely oblivious to you until you stopped infront of her. "What are you doing hermosa?" She raised a brow with a smirk "this." You dropped your towel and she stared at you a moment biting her lip "your in trouble." You turned and ran back to the bathroom before she could grab you.

You dressed then opened the door to find Luisa standing outside it with a evil smirk "dont think we're done here. I'm going to get you tonight." You smiled at her "we'll see about that." You placed a kiss on her lips then walked under her arm "lets go for a walk down by the ocean." She smiled at you as she watched you walk towards the door "you coming?" She nodded "of course."

You walked hand in hand. She had her outfit on you had bought her when you went off at the ladies only the sleeves were tore off because they were too tight around her arms, but you made things work and it was still just as cute, and you had one similar to it just a different color. It was the middle of the day and you had talked Luisa into carrying you on her back which she had no problem with since to her you were weightless.

As she walked and purposely bounced with every other step making you laugh a little like you were a kid again. When you finally persuaded her to put you down she then wrapped her arm around your shoulders and flexed a little knowing you had a thing for her muscles.

"Luisa stooop." She laughed "stop what? This?" She flexed again "yes. People will think your showing off." She smirked "so what if I am? Maybe I want to see you go off on someone else." You went red and moved out from under her arm "I didn't like doing that. I may love putting people in their place when they deserve it, but that doesn't mean I enjoy doing it all the time." She took your hand in hers again and you kissed the back of her hand not knowing the surprise that awaited around the corner.

"Today we're here to rate peoples flex game and see how strong they are against some of the strongest men in the world. Lets go!" They did three or four people who were pretty averaged then they started getting into the weightlifter and body builders. Some were women and some weren't. Then a certain person caught their eye from afar and she was headed in their direction. "Guys lets get her next." They all looked in her direction "what one?" He pointed "the one in the light purple shirt and faded jeans." They all nodded "good pick."

You seen the group start to approach the two of you when you started getting closer and you face palmed. "Not these guys." Luisa spotted the group of guys you were talking about "whats so bad about them?" You sighed "they are always making these videos of rating people and how they do things or seeing how well they do againt full blown professionals and they seem to have their eyes on you." She went red "is that a bad thing?" You shook your head "no, but they do have some of the strongest men alive." She looked around ti see how close everyone was "so is it bad if I use my gift?" She whispered and you smiled "no. You can use your gift all you want, but I know you have been enjoying not having to do anything other then your usual workout." They had reached you both.

"Hey wanna flex for us?" She looked down at you with a smile before letting go of your hand "ok boys get over there and flex next to her." Her muscles were already the same size as theirs if not bigger not to mention she stood around their height too "oh wow. Thats- thats closer then we expected it to be." You raised a brow from where you stood, amused at their shock.

"Ok now right here at this table we're going to have an arm wrestling match." Often times when you'd get bored at your little shop back in Encanto you'd arm wrestle Luisa even though you knew the outcome every time, unless you could distract her "you ok with arm wrestling?" She nodded "ok. Everyone knows the rules?" Her and the first guy nodded "on the count of three go." There was a crowd starting to gather. Most of then oogling over all the muscle just standing around "1...2...3......go!"

He tried and tried and tried to get Luisas arm to even budge, but he couldn't. He was putting everything he had into it, but couldn't do it. She however did the smallest amount of try and won easily.

"How?" She smiled "its just a gift of mine." She went to leave with you, but was stopped "we have a couple more things for you to do. Come with us." You sighed and followed hand in hand with Luisa while a pretty bug group of people followed too.

They eventually lead you guys to a pretty big building that had alot of things in it making Luisa smile since some of them reminded her of home.

"Ok first off the uh...whats it called again? Oh yeah they bench press." Lets see who can lift the most there." They of course made Luisa go first because of 'ladies first' and she started off with light weight and after everyone had gone they added more and more and more until it was just Luisa left and the bar was practically snapping in two.

"Ok well whoever can pull this bus the furthest." She did that with incredible ease. "Who thinks- uh whats your name?" She folded her arms with a smile "Luisa." He nodded "whoever thinks Luisa will win raise your hand." Alot of people raised their hands "ok and whoever thinks one of these guys will win?" About the same amount of people raised their hands "ok, ok. Everyone choose what you want to lift. It has to be one of the heaviest things in and around the building. You guys can work together."

You watched Luisa look back at you. The two guys had chose the bus. They decided they would both lift the front end up together as high as they could thinking Luisa wouldn't be able to beat them both if they worked together. They lifted it pretty high and you had to give that to them because you'd never be able to do it. When they sat it back down they were very confident in winning, but Luisa had other plans. She had been missing home alot and really wanted to lift something big.

"How is gonna beat that?" You smiled at Luisa who walked over to you "what should I do? I don't want to show these guysup, but I dont want people-" you interupeted her "do what you feel like Luisa. Even if it means lifting the building. Better yet-" you watched a glint show up in her eyes and you realized what she was thinking "ok you can do anything you want except that." She only smiled at you and you huffed knowing exactly what she was about to do.

She walked outside and everyone followed and soon you heard her start humming an all too familiar song lyric. "I move mountains, I move churches, and glow cause I know what my worth is." You mumbled it under your breath as she found the best spot to grab "I dont ask how hard the work is got rough, indestructible surface. Dimonds and platinum I find em and flatten em I take what I'm handed I break, whats demanded, but." Right as you said but she lifted the building making everyone gasp out of shock and amazement. You on the other hand let out a loud cheer making her smile at you before sitting the building down.

"I gotta hand it to you Luisa. You beat us fair and square." They both shook her hand one at a time "how can you-" suddenly a little girl burst through the crowd "mommy is Luisa Madrigal!" She was super excited and jumping up and down "see look." She held up her doll of Luisa to show her mom "she's even prettier in real life." She ran forward and hugged one of Luisas legs making everyone's heart melt "yes yes baby I know now lets go home." She pouted "but moooom, I want a picture." You smiled at her mother who looked at you then sighed with a smile of her own "ok one or two pictures. But only if its ok with Luisa." Luisa smiled "of course it ok. Why would I say no?"

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now