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It wasnt like me, but I may have lied to Y/n a little bit, ok a lot of bit, but not on purpose, but also a little on purpose. I felt really guilty about it and wanted to explain right away, but couldn't find her anywhere in Encanto after I just talked to her not even ten minutes ago.

"Dolores have you seen Y/n?" She shook her head "no I haven't. She came by here not long ago and asked for one of your dresses then left after she got one." I sighed "ok." I went to leave and she stopped me "why are you looking for her anyway? Does it have to do with you lying to her? Because if it does she's totally onto you and just played along. Shes not mad." I let out a breath relieved she knew me that well "thanks Dolores." She hummed "you're welcome."

I headed to Mirabels room where her and Isa were doing who knows what as since they made up are trouble makers like to other.

"Hey Mira, Isa..." I looked in the room to see them, Camilo, Felix and dad stuck in one of my dresses as Y/n sewed quietly while they all moved around yelling at one another "how did you...?" She jumped and looked up at me as I pointed at everyone in the dress "she tricked us Luisa." Camilo nodded "yeah she said there was food in here." I heard Tio Brunos voice speak up from behind them all "no she said she needed help and she might have food. Mirabel and Agustin came in to help to be nice, Isabella just walked in on it, Felix was laughing at them, and you came for food."

I just stared at Y/n not understanding how she managed to get them all close enough to do this or why she was doing this. "So why are they in one of my dresses?" Y/n took the needle out of her mouth "I needed to make sure it wouldn't tear if you flexed too much. With these guys moving around as much as they are and all squished together like they are on kind of reflects what I need." She gave me a small smile "well I think its weird to have my dad, cousin and other tio in my clothes." I went to help them out and she swatted my hand away making me jolt back "dont touch."

I rolled my eyes "come on we only have an hour left to get everything set up and-" she interupeted me "I already took care of it. Everything is done except like two things." I sighed "Come on just let them go I can help you now that I'm here." She sighed "I know, but this one I was making special for today. You're Abuela said you couldn't help with this one.." she kept a straight face as she finished the last patch then let everyone go.

"Here you go." She handed it to me once the others left. "You can try it on if you'd like. Its on of your old shirts and skirts made into one or you can try this one on." She pulled out a strawberry dress "I made this for you while I was away for those few years. I dont think your Abuela would approve though as it shows a bit much in the chest area." I raised a brow at her and smirked "you saying you're a-" Mirabel came through the door "have you guys seen my extra pair of glasses?" Hers were completely shattered "yeah you sat them here." Y/n got up and reached for where they were and was a bit short until she stretched out fully instead of stayed slouching.

"Here you go." She slouched back down again "thanks Y/n." She put them on then left again "have you seen Blake? Last I seen him Camilo had him." I shook my head "no I haven't." Just then there was a scream and giggle then pitter patter of little feet as he ran into the room and behind Y/n while Isa chased him.

"Someone apparently can walk and run. Just yesterday you could hardly run." He grinned then started towards me "uh...n-no." I started backing up "Luisa dont move he'll think its a game and chase you." I stopped and froze in place as Y/n picked him up and walked towards me "Y/n please don't." She smiled "ok fine." She walked past me and towards the stairs where she sat Blake down then took off running the way she just came making him smile and giggle as he chased her.

When they ran by it made me think of my childhood before tio Bruno disappeared for all those years.

"Oo ee ah." I snapped back to reality and seen Blake pointing at me "thats right can you say Luisa?" He grumbled and pulled a face then looked at me again "oosa." I smiled at him and squated down infront of him "can you say...mama?" He giggled and suddenly became bashful towards me making both Y/n and mom laugh a little "come on Blake can you say mama for Luisa?" He turned back towards me "mamamama." He did this for a solid five minutes while running around after getting out of Y/ns grasp before running back over to where we both sat on the ground just outside Mirabels room and climbed onto my lap.

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now