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I rolled over as the sun started to shine in my eyes and heard the bed creek under me, but ignored it and fell back to sleep pretty quickly not thinking about it. I woke up again in what felt like thirty minutes, but in all reality was three hours and this time I was wide awake making me realize this wasn't my room or my house.

"Oh no." I looked down to make sure I was still dressed and some weirdo didn't kidnap me some how "ok this is...good? Where am I?" I got up and looked around "oh this is Y/ns house." I scratched my head "what am I doing here?" I had a pounding headache and it showed no signs of leaving "what time is it?" I looked at the clock on the wall "five in the afternoon!?" I started having a panic attack as what happened last night and what will be said to me when I get home all came crashing onto me at once overwhelming me.

"Uh Luisa?" I seen Y/ns head peek into the room "are you awake?" I turned in her direction "yeah I am." She opened the door the rest of the way "this is for you." She sat a small plate of food down for me "I dont have much at the moment, but I figured you'd want this." I smiled "thanks. Um what all did I tell you last night?" I looked back up in her direction and she was gone just as quick as she showed up "oh ok." I sat on the edge of the bed and ate while Y/n went and got Mirabel.

"Ok here's the plan. You say you found her down by the river. You say you were sleepwalking and got lost and upon waking up walked for a long time until you found the river. Got it?" I just stared at her "so we're going to lie?" She nodded "are you sure this is going to work?" She shrugged "only one way to find out is to try." Mirabel went to say something and Y/n covered her mouth making me raise a brow while questioning her silently.

Almost as soon as I finished my food we were both pushed out by Y/n in a gentle, but mean way. "Hey you can't just-" she shut the door in Mirabels face and I chuckled "we better get going. I'm sure things are crazy back at Casita." I wasnt wrong on that part because when we got back Aunt Pepa had a storm cloud over her head, mom was just baking to distract herself, Dolores was listening for me, Abuela was in a panic, Camilo was trying to act like me, Isabella had cactus everywhere, Bruno I dont where he was, dad was walking in the kitchen to get food to help his bee sting and scraped up knee that happened from looking for me and Antonio had his animal friends out looking for me.

"Luisa where were you?" Abuela came up to me with tears in her eyes "I found her down by the river." I nodded "yeah I was...sleep walking and...got lost until I found the river." Mirabel elbowed me telling me I didn't do a very good job at lying "we're just happy you're home safe." I smiled as I thought back on last night "...yeah me too." Abuela very soon announced to the village that I had returned and would be taking the next couple days off from chores to rest fully and while it did sound nice I tried persuading her to let me do my chores after tomorrow, but she only disagreed and refused to let me say otherwise.

As the night came I secretly hoped Y/n would show up, so I could talk to her, but I had a feeling deep down that she wouldn't show and for some reason it hurt knowing that. I couldn't sleep most the night and decided to workout in my one corner to see if it would help, but it didn't. It just made me sweaty and my mind wander into some...dangerous thoughts. Nothing bad or dirty minded, but I did wondered what would happen if I ever turned on my own family. Would my gift be taken away? Could I hurt them extensively? Why was thinking this?

I sat up on the deadlift bench and sighed. I was changing. I wasn't myself anymore and I didn't like it. Maybe it was best if I wasnt around Y/n for a while. I shook my head knowing she'd think the worst. Ok what if I just talked to her and tried explaining how I felt and how I didn't understand it, but didnt direct it towards her. Would that help? I sighed because what would I say? How would I explain it to her, the one making me feel this way?

I heard a knock on my door and got up "yeah?" It was Mirabel "you ok? I heard you down here clanking stuff together." I nodded "yeah I just cant think." I went to close the door and she stopped it "no you aren't whats wrong?" I sighed and opened my door, so she could come in and as soon as she was in she ran over to my bed and sat down making me gove a small smile "talk to me Luisa. We aren't going through that again."

I took a deep breath every now and then as I explained how I felt towards Y/n to Mirabel knowing that if Dolores heard the whole town would know come morning.

"It sounds like you have a crush. People change when they like someone. We all do it eventually then there will come a time where you go back to your old self you just need to give it time." I fiddled with my hands a little "you wont tell anyone will you?" She shook her head "no of course not, but Abuela is up to no good with Y/n. I dont know what she's said to her, but she told her something that upset her really bad and Y/n has been looking for a boyfriend since."

I rolled my eyes "sometimes Abuela doesn't take others into consideration when she makes a decision." Mirabel nodded "I know. I've dealt with that my whole life since I didn't get a door up until now. She never took me into consideration. Only you guys and even then she only took your gifts into consideration not you guys as people."

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now