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Note: go check out Soul_Licker Luisa one shots book. Its amazing 👏

Even with Julietas cooking you were in a coma for two days. In that time the whole town rebuilt your shop from the inside out then waited for you to wake up and you did eventually.

"My head hurts." You sat up slowly only to be pushed back down about as fast as you sat up "I'll go get some more of tia Julietas cooking. Don't get up or Luisa will kill me." You gave a small smile "where is she anyway?" Camilo chuckled "where do you think? Shes doing her chores estúpido." You smacked him in the back of his head "just go get me food please. I'm starving." He left with a mischievous laugh

"OH LUISA." She looked in the direction of Casita from where your shop sat in its new spot "I'll be there in a minute." She started to think the worst and worry about you not waking up for even longer or possibly dieing.

She'd never own up to it, but her and her sisters had been selling your pre-made dresses and outfits for you the past two days as well as fixing up the little shop and moving it from where it used to be to just outside the edge of town just close enough to Casita and the town that if someone really yelled they'd hear and come running.

She walked into Casita and towards her room where you had been, but when she didn't find you there panicked.

"Camilo wheres Y/n?" You poked your head around the door to the kitchen and looked up at her with a smile "I'm right here. I was starving." You leaned back into the kitchen and continued to eat while she made her way to you trying not to be too excited, but it showed in her hug and happy tears that she was happy you were ok and excited you were awake.

"You scared me." You giggled "sorry." She pulled out of the hug then slammed her lips onto yours making Camilo who had just turned around choke and shape shift before leaving the kitchen with a "woah warn a man next time." You only kissed her back then parted with a smile "I love you Luisa." She brought you into another hug "I love you too Y/n." She had tears falling down her face "please never ever do that again."

A couple months later

"Blake where are you?" Luisa looked under the table then heard a giggle from behind the family tree in the dining room "how many times do I have to tell you? Quit playing in the walls." Luisa helped you into the walls and you went after him "how do you always get in here?"

Ten minutes before:

"Hey little buddy. You want to go in the walls with tio Bruno?" Blake smiled and nodded "ok up you go." He picked him up and climbed in the wall, something he did when he needed alone time sometimes.

Back to now

"Me wont tell." Now that he had just barely turned four and Luisa had officially adopted him he often caused alot of trouble around town. Especially since he had got the hang of talking now.

"Blake Pedro Madrigal get over here right now." He looked back at you before taking off following who you only hoped was Bruno. "Catch me if you can mommy." He knew you were his aunt, but called you mommy out of instinct and you also had made a few changes to his name since Luisa adopted him "I'm gonna beat you with la chanclas." He stopped dead in his tracks and let out a loud cry while dropping to his knees.

"Ow mamá." You were confused at this sudden outburst you hadn't swatted him and you never planned on it just threanted it.

You hadn't swatted him ever other then when he got into a biting, kicking, and punching faze and even then it wasnt very hard and it was only one quick swat with your hand that didn't hurt, but scared him.

"Whats wrong baby?" You scooped him up and headed back towards Luisa who was waiting for you patiently "what happened?" You shrugged "I don't know. He was running then I told him I'd swat him if be didn't stop and he dropped to his knees while saying ow and crying." She lifted you up out of the wall then noticed the cut on his arm "thats why." She got closer to it to inspect it, it was nothing serious or too bad, but it did probably sting "go with your other mamá." You handed him to Luisa who took him down to the extra food in the kitchen and fed him.

Warning it does mention a little NSFW

"Luisa love?" She hummed against your clit "I think its time we tell your family about- mmm- our plan." She stopped what she was doing and looked at you "what one?" You ran your fingers through her hair "the big one." She smiled "we can tonight at dinner." She placed your legs over her shoulders and went back to what she was doing making you grab a handful of her hair as your eyes rolled back into your skull and you tilted your head back in ecstasy.

You nonchalantly left Luisas room while you thought no one was watching, almost running into Mariano and his little girl that was just learning to crawl (gonna say like 4 months old, so its been almost a year) "oh I'm sorry Mariano." He smiled "its no big deal." You heard Luisas door open as she bumped into you from behind making you take a step forward "sorry." Mariano chuckled "you two are very clumsy sometimes." Luisa laughed nervously "I get it from my papa." You just giggled "I'm just a cluts period sometimes."

"So Luisa, Y/n, Dolores said you have something to tell us?" You exchanged a glance with Luisa before taking her hand in your own under the table "we have decided to travel to the United States for..." she looked at you "around two or three months possibly more for a surprise for all of you." You smiled warmly "well now I want to know." Luisa smiled as well "I'd love to tell you guys, but I can't or I'd ruin the surprise." You gave her hand a squeeze "is that all?" You nodded "yes, but could you guys watch Blake while we're gone?" Abuela smiled "of course we can."

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