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That night you packed everything of yours and luckily it wasn't much or else you would've been in trouble.

As you packed you came across the fabric you had bought that Luisa loved with the note you had written to her as well for when you finished her dress and other clothes you were making her.

"This is pointless." You crumbled it up and threw it in the corner of your room along with the fabric "about as pointless as my feelings for Luisa." You gave a pathetic smile knowing full well you just hurt your own feelings with that one "who am I kidding?" You sat on the edge of your bed "it would've never worked anyway. Shes a Madrigal and I'm a no one. Shes made to be as tough as the earth. Stronger in fact and here I was thinking I could chase after her." You sighed and wiped a tear away you didn't know had fallen "I'm sure Abuela only hates me more after this."

The next morning:

"You drove her away." The whole family stopped that next morning and looked at Luisa who had red puffy eyes and sounded horrible as well as looked horrible "what was that Hermosa Luisa?" She stood up and slammed her hands on the edge of the table sending it flying.The next morning:

"You drove her away. You scared her into leaving. You even made her parents disappear just so she'd leave. Why?" Everyone was surprised at this sudden outburst "Luisa how did you...?" Dolores looked away from Abuela who had a burning stare set on her. This family was about to fall apart again. Starting with Luisa and Abuela.

Everyone looked at Abuela who wouldn't say anything then to Luisa who was fuming and breathing so hard she looked like a barbarian on a kill strike. "I didnt mean to-" Mirabel spoke up "you got rid of Y/n?" Luisa folded her arms "she didn't just get rid of her she got inside her head and made her scared of losing both you and Luisa." Abuela looked at Dolores who just called her out "thats enough from you." Pepa stood up "dont talk to my daughter like that." She then looked at Luisa "and how did you get this information from Dolores?"

Back with you:

You decided it was time to head back to the United States to start over maybe even find someone there for you that made you as happy as Luisa did. All the while completely oblivious to the fact that the decision you thought was best really wasn't the best for everyone.

It took a while to get there, but you did know you still had family over here that wouldn't mind you staying with them for a while until you got onto your feet, so that was your first thing you did once you were back. Call your sister.

"Wait wait wait. Encanto is real, the Madrigals are real and you made one fall in love with you?" You were confused "what do you mean they're real?" She showed you the movie her one kid loved when she came to pick you up and you couldn't believe how accurate it was with everything "so how is it living there?" You shrugged "not to bad. I mean it does suck having to live like in the olden days." She smiled "hey so what Madrigal was it you had falling for you?" You shrugged "it doesn't matter. Abuela it TOXIC. Sometimes I mean the night I had a fight with her granddaughter she came to change things up and allow me to stay and be myself and love whoever I wanted, but what was done was done and there was no changing that."

You filled her in on everything, but never mentioned how heart broken you were after leaving Luisa there like that. Even if you wrote an apology letter.

"So whats Luisa like?" She looked in her rear view mirror at you as you pulled faces at you're niece "oh uh shes really cool. Very girly when she wants to be. She is quite shy and hides her personality and feeling though when she has a crush. Its kinda cute." She squealed "dude how tall is she? Is she like a goddess?" You laughed "definitely over six foot seven easy. Most her family and the town is my height and she's towers over everyone except like three or four people." You couldn't believe your very straight sister was fangirling over the girl you left behind "so did you ever visit Casita?" You laughed "yeah I did. A couple times. Its pretty cool."

She talked to you the whole way home and had nonstop questions about everyone. You did learn Bruno, Luisa, and Camilo where her favorites. "Maybe one day when I go back you can come with and meet them. They are really very kind. Anyway I'm going to go to bed. Its been exhausting the last week and a half. Goodnight and thanks again for letting me stay here."

In Encanto:

It had been a week or more since the big fight and no one would really talk to eachother. Alma still had yet to tell Luisa Y/n planned on coming back just in a few years. She still had the note you had written her and the special fabric you had bought. Something you asked to be given to her when things calmed down not knowing it would lead to them not talking for a very long time.

Three months of you being gone was what it took before Luisa started to go back to herself and how long it took her forgive and listen to her Abuela.

"Luisa I know you still aren't happy with me, but I have something I need to talk to you about..." Luisa opened her door a crack "yeah? What is that?" She motioned to the things in her hands "may I come in?" Luisa bit the inside of her cheek "yeah you can."

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