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2 weeks of hanging out per Mirabels orders later:

"So is there like a limit of how much you can lift or can you lift literally anything?" She sat the donkeys down in the barn "I dont know. I've only ever lifted whats in the village." Most the day was just silence as you followed her around that was until she went to lift something and hit you with it knocking you on the ground "oh my gosh Y/n are you ok?" She dropped what she had next to her and gently lifted you up "yeah I'm ok." She brushed you off "you're bleeding." You started to look over your body before realizing she was looking at your side where the corner of the cart hit you "you sure you're ok? I'll just take you to my mamá."

To be honest there was only a few Spanish words you understood since you were raised so far away from people and with a family that never spoke it around you, so the people of the village were kind enough to use English the best of their abilities when talking to you.

"Whats wrong Luisa?" She was in tears "I hit Y/n with a cart when I picked it up. I didn't mean too." She took off to her room and your heart ached. She really was just a big harmless baby "here eat this." You took it from her and ate it and just as fast as your injury showed up it was gone. "Thank you Julieta." She smiled "go let her know she didn't hurt you. You'll know her door when you see it. Even if you dont  Casita will help you find it." You found her door pretty easy and knocked on it before entering.

Her room was just pure stone. Even her bed frame, but there was another door that was in the side of the one mountain, her room was really quite large even if it didn't seem like it.

"Luisa?" She sat on her bed crying "im sorry Y/n." You smiled "its no big deal. Look I'm all better." You separated the seam on your dress that was already torn and she suddenly hugged you "I'm sorry. I'm glad mom could heal you." She started squeezing a bit hard and your back suddenly snapped making you start crying and the whole process to start over again "Luisa its ok. My back has been out of place for a while after I fell down a cliff last year. You just popped it back into place. Your mamás food couldn't even fix it, so thank you." She was just so broken from having to be strong mentally and emotionally that no matter what you said to reassure her she just kept crying, so you decided it was best to just leave and not be around her anymore. Just Mirabel or Antonio.

You avoided her for a few weeks and the village all together until you had someone sent to tell you it was time to work in the restaurant as the dishwasher which meant packing hundreds of dishes to and from the river all day. Unless...you automatically mentally slapped yourself for even the thought of having her help since today was one of her rest days anyway.

As you pulled your fourth load of dishes to the river behind you it was the momnt you realized just how tiring it was to do this when a bunch fell off the top when you slipped and landed on your butt.

"Oh come on man." You started cussing under your breath with the few Spanish words you knew just as Luisa stopped and looked down at you "need some help?" You sighed thinking about what you wanted to say "uhm I dont really want to trouble - never mind." She had already lifted them all up and started back in the direction she came from as you retrieved the plates and other dishes you lost.

"Where do you want this?" You pointed to the spot and she sat them down "need anymore help?" You looked around "I don't think so. Thanks though." She smiled at me and for some odd reason my heart stopped and I felt my face burn up "you dont look well. Let me help you." Your face got even redder "ok, but today is your rest day right?" She nodded "yeah, but maybe I want to help you." Her eye started twitching signalling she was nervous "why are you nervous? Thats my job." She laughed a little "im not nervous." She grabbed a dish as she sat down and started washing it.

"Why are you washing them in the river?" You sighed "the sink broke and they said I wasn't allowed to wash them anywhere else." She huffed "thats not cool." You had the perfect opportunity "no, but this water is." You laughed a little knowing it was a stupid joke, but you guess she found it pretty funny because she laughed for a while then wiped a tear from her eye "that was so effortless and smooth it just flowed right out so easy." You smiled at the water "flowed by us about as fast as the river." She started laughing again and her cheeks were dusted pink when she stopped laughing "how do you come up with these so fast?" She had a big smile "I dont know. They just are there. I use them to relax after having a hard day." He eyes softened "are you having a hard day today?" You shook your head "no I'm just having a good one and want to make you smile." Her face went red "well thanks I needed it."

You were silent for a while until you 'accidentally' splashed water on her "hey watch it." You giggled "sorry I didn't mean too." You continued washing them and splashed her a few more times until she realized you were doing it on purpose and got you back with one big splash of water that covered your entire top half "thats no fair you can like scoop a whole bucket of water with one swat of your hand." She giggled "you started it." You smiled "yeah and I'm going to finish it too." You tackled her and rolled off the bank and into the river that was beyond cold.

You sat up realizing you were laying on something warm and upon further inspection realized it was Luisa and she was staring at you flustered "sorry." You both tried saying it at the same time "I was the one that started it." She chuckled "hey I played along too. It's both our faults." Both of you unintentionally leaned forward to laugh and say something when your lips met for a second which sent you both jolting back.

Encanto may be very accepting, but two girls loving eachother was forbidden. It may have been an accident, but when you both went to lean in again to kiss there was a gasp from the bank making you both jump and look to see one of the elders of the village staring at you. By some miracle they didn't realize it was Luisa, but they definitely realized it was you.

"Y/n you know the rules. How many girls have we had to remove from Encanto because of you? And here you are adding another one to the list." They turned to look and point at her, but she was gone. For a big muscular girl she sure could move quickly and quietly. "We will get you to confess who it was and when we do you'll both be-" Alma cut them off "you dont have a say in what happens. I do. Please go back home and I'll handle this." They went to argue, but decided not to and left just as quickly as they appeared.

"I will give you one more chance to live in this village. I dont know where they got that other girls have been banished from the village, but thats not true. I may not like you, but its not fair to Mirabel to remove you. Especially if it was so suddenly after she has forgiven me."


"Why is your dress wet?" Luisa just stared at her younger sister before her eye started twitching and she took off "hey what has you so nervous?" She followed her all the way up the stairs and to her door where Luisa spun around and boomed out "NOTHING." Making everyone jump and come out of their rooms to look "uh...sorry didn't mean to do that." Mirabel only hugged her sister then left to give her the space she needed.

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now