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Warnings: make-out session

Fall left about a month ago, me and Y/n still sneak to one anothers house every night. Y/n has been seen by all my cousins. They just ignored her knowing why she was here, never question her past "what are you doing?" "here to see Luisa." "Oh ok."

"Luisa stop." She giggled quietly as I tickled her sides a little "Luisa." She wiggled under me "stop." I stopped with a smile on my face "ok fine...but first." She tensed up and tightened her arms to her sides expecting me to keep tickling her "im not going to do that." She raised a brow at me still on edge "then what are you going to do?" I shrugged and moved from where I leaned on her bed "you'll see. You just have to cover your eyes first and no peeking." She went to protest "or I'll tickle your sides again." She pouted and covered her eyes not peeking once.

I really didn't have a plan here, I wanted to surprise Y/n with one of her favorite things, an expensive fabric I had to work very hard for, but what should I do past this? I grabbed it and sat it infront of her thinking of what I should say.

"Uh I guess open your eyes." She opened them and looked at me before the fabric "oh Luisa you didn't have to get me anything." I rubbed my arm and felt my eye twitch a little "I know, but you've done so much for me and I know your running low on supplies, so I wanted to get you this." Tears welled up in her eyes "awe thanks Lu." (Lou) she hugged me and I hugged her back "how about we make you a new set of clothes?" I shook my head "no its ok. I have plenty." She sighed and gave me puppy eyes "please? I still need some of your measurements anyway."

I sighed as she retook some measurements for the third time "I'm getting different measurements each time." I raised a brow "how?" She shrugged "I don't know, but your arms are a little bigger then they were a little over a month ago." My eyes got wide "thats why my shirt tore out the other day." She stopped in front of me "it did?" I nodded "yeah I was lifting the bridge after rerouting the river and when I moved my arms like this." I showed her how I picked up the bridge "my shirt tore almost in half. Down the back luckily."

She wrote down a few things "whats that?" I pointed at the biggest number "thats your shoulder width from the front." I pointed at another one "and this one?" She glanced at it "that one's from the back. This one is your left arm, this ones your right. Now I just need your bust. I think that's what its called." I looked at her over my shoulder "you mean I have to drop the towel?" She nodded "yeah. Do you have a bra on?" She wasn't facing me as she grabbed a few things behind her "uh...no." she stopped what she was doing and walked over and grabbed a very thin peice of cloth she had not much use for as it was just scrap "put this over yourself. It's thin enough it wont make a difference. I'll be in the kitchen for when your done." She left and I swallowed hard wondering why did I agree to this?

"Ok." She walked back in and the air was heavy with silence and awkwardness "I'll let you put it where it needs to be on the front and I'll collect the measurement in the back." She walked around to the back and handed me the cloth tape measure "it needs to be across your breasts close to the...you know." I went red "no I get it." I placed it where she said to "right here?" I caught a glimpse of her checking and her face was red "yeah right there. Thanks." I handed the ends back to her and she sighed "its not big enough." I looked at her over my shoulder "what do you mean?" She hugged "its about five inches too short. Luckily I know what I'm doing and how much is missing." She wrote a number down "thanks. I'll head back to the kitchen and-" a thud came from my side "are you ok?"

She nodded "yeah just got my feet caught up in some fabric." I looked at her as she untangled it from around her feet "here let me help you." I had tied the fabric around my neck earlier just in case anything happened and I needed to be quick.

I worked on one knot while she worked on another "how does this even happen? All my fabric was off the floor. And how is it this tangled?" She groaned and threw her head back before continuing to untie the one knot.

"Screw it." She grabbed her scissors and cut her one leg loose then cut her other one loose "only me." She sighed and placed her head in her hands after putting the scissors away "I better get out of here so you can change." I shook my head "no! I-I mean uh you don't have to leave. Just dont peek." She smiled at me before leaning forward and kissing me.

"What was that for?" She smirked "maybe I just wanted to do it." I pushed her back onto the floor carefully "Luisa what are you doing?" I placed my body between her legs and kissed her passionately and she kissed back the same way.

I held myself up with one arm and slid my other hand up and down her side a little until I found the edge of her shirt and slipped my hand under it before kissing down her jaw and to her neck.

"Luisa god damnit." She arched her back under me and I smiled against her skin "you like that?" She moaned in response and grabbed for my hand that was still sliding up and down her side before stopping it which made me stop sucking on her neck in one spot "what are you doing?" She moved and knocked me on my butt, so she could straddle me and sit on my lap where she brought us together again and ran her fingers up and down my biceps, something I found hot and arousing.

She then did the same thing to me as I did to her and kissed down my jaw bone and to my neck "Y/n damn." She chuckled against my neck "I think that's the first time I've ever heard you swear." She went back to kissing my neck and slowly trailing towards my collar bone "you've never done this before thats why." My voice cracked at why and she knew she found my sweet spot, so she stayed there sucking and nibbling it making me bite my lip before moaning out making her stop "I like your moan." I was breathing hard and so was she "its...sexy." she got up off me then helped me to my feet "we'll pick this up another day. Its getting late and you need to get home." She threw me my shirt "I need that cloth back, so I can make it into something for you."

She left the room and I changed leaving the fabric on her working desk. "I'll see you later babe." I stopped in my tracks "babe?" She smiled "yep. I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I shook my head "ok I'll see you tomorrow hermosa." She ran over and hugged me making me smile once again.

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now