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Fall laughed as she made a joke towards you and Luisas relationship before you flung water at her covering her.

"Y/n M/n L/n that was cold." You smirked "not as cold as my heart." She did a fake laugh before jumping into the water to splash you too making you lose your breath for a second. It was deep enough it went to the bottom of your boobs, but if it went to your chest it made you lose your breath because it was so cold.

"You're gonna pau for that." You grabbed her and flipped her over your head and into the water creating a loud smack sound when she hit the water "that hurt, but you'll pay for that." Is all she could get out of her mouth when she resurfaced "oh no what are you going to do?" You were being sarcastic and she smirked before grabbing your head under her arm then falling backwards knowing she couldnt beat you since you had always been one of the bigger and stronger cousins of hers.

When you both came up again your heart was racing she was tying to scare you out of beating her. She knew it terrified you to fall backwards into water out of nowhere and since you didn't always have the best balance when you panicked she used that against you. You gave it a break for a second and went up on the shore to get a drink, but while she wasn't paying attention you took off at a dead run and hid making her panic and come out of the water partially.

"Y/n where'd you go?" She stood where it went up to the bottom of her belly "come on Y/n." She started looking around her without moving to see if she could see you anywhere and right as she turned her head to look behind herself you came out of the rocks and ran at full speed, tackling her into the water and scaring her half to death "god damnit Y/n." She placed her hand over her heart then shoved you which then became a game of 'who's the strongest?' Where either you'd shove one another or have eachothers hands on one another shoulders and see who could shove the other the furthest, this then turned back into wrestling.

The more time you guys laughed and rough housed the longer Luisa stood on the shore watching amused at how rough you were with eachother.

"Come one its not fair your stronger then me." You shoved and smiled "and? You have the current on your side helping push me. Its me against you and the current and your losing." She dug in deep and started pushing as hard as she could before you picked both your feet up sending her almost into the water, but you then grabbed her arms again and flung her over your head and slapped her in the water again creating a big splash that soaked Luisa who gasped at the sudden cold and scared you by gasping.

She was dressed pretty similar to you and Fall who were in shorts and tank tops only still in her signature white and purple colors in a shirt sleeve.

"Luisa you know white and water dont mix right?" She nodded "yeah I do, but this isn't what I'm wearing in the water." She took her shirt off to reveal a purple tank top that matched her shorts "holy shit you are built. We should team up on her." You jumped at Falls sudden outburst then shook your head "I am not fighting her. In the water or not. We'll lose every time." She laughed "I'm sure she has some type of weakness." Luisa laughed from the shore "maybe I do maybe I don't." You pursed your lips together "your right you do. Its called me." You launched yourself backwards in the water and she chuckled watching you panic for a second "maybe."

When she finally got in the water you contemplated about what Fall said and teaming up with Fall to take Luisa down, but tried to think of how you could do it because she could quite literally move mountains and you couldn't.

"Fall come here." Luisa was floating on her back looking at the clouds "if we get her now we might be able to get her under the water." She nodded "ok we got this. I go high you go low?" You nodded "yeah that'll work." You swam under Luisa and Fall swam next to her just out of her sight and right when you surfaced to get air you nodded and told her to count to three before doing anything and on three you grabbed her legs a pulled while Fall pushed her chest down sending her under the water while you and Fall got away.

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now