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The next day rolled around pretty quick and you were asked to help set up the party with the others, so you did and it was quite fun until you were running from Mirabel and Isabella and collided with Pepa so hard her rain cloud shot a bolt of lightning out at you hitting you in the arm and burning you while also leaving automatic scars that couldn't be fixed from Julietas cooking.

"Ah that hurt." You got up with a wince and instantly went over to Pepa who sat on the ground cussing you out at a whisper in Spanish "sorry Pepa." You offered her your hand and she took it before standing up "oi your hand looks horrible." She inspected it "Julieta we need some food." She pushed you into the kitchen where you were handed some bread "thank you." You ate it and the hurting stopped, but the scars stayed and they looked like little lightning bolts crawling up your arm or roots to a tree.

"To be fair these scars are cool. Now I can write my sister and tell her I was struck by lightning and survived." They all face palmed "sorry what was I supposed to say? Oh yeah Clarissa I got supercharged and now I can run super fast and shoot lightning blots out my eyes." Everyone stopped and looked at you like you were crazy "do you mean lightning bolts?" You realized what you said and went pink "yeah. I meant bolts not blots." You embarrassed yourself once again.

"Oo ee ah" you turned to see Blake and Antonio coming down the stairs while Casita helped Blake with the steps by making them closer together "it sounds like he's been trying to say Luisa all day." You smiled "it usually does. He says those things alot." Mirabel smirked at you "did you ever stop talking about her while you were gone?" You laughed "yes actually I did. It was my sister and her little girl that wouldn't shut up about her." You gave a small smile at Blake who gave a big grin at you "come on little guy its time to go grab some things."

You walked across town to a few stores, then to your home, then through town again to find Luisa to get some measurements, then back home before sitting down and getting started on a new outfit for her.

"Why do you need to see me?" She watched you as you took how wide her shoulders were from the back then from the front "I need new ones of these." You looked at her and blushed not ready for what you had to say next "if I continue making clothes for you or alterations to the ones you have I need all you're measurements with and without clothes on." You looked away from her "sure I can do that. When do you want me over to take them? I can come over tonight."

You looked up at her then stood there and stared at her for a minute "but don't you have your birthday party the town is supposed to come to tonight?" The tops of her ears went red signalling she got embarrassed over forgetting about that "oh yeah huh that is tonight." You smiled "its ok we all forget. Don't be embarrassed." She blew raspberries "me embarrassed? No." You giggled "hey will you flex your arm for me? But first sit down where I can reach it?" She chuckled "what am I too tall for you short stack?" You couldn't believe her. She was out here just making fun of you. Where did this Luisa come from?

"Oh har har. At least I'm not Paul Bunion mixed with Hercules." She scoffed "maybe I wont sit down and make you struggle then." You rolled your eyes "fine I'll just climb you." She folded her arms and raised a brow "I'd like to see you try." She knew when it came to climbing it wasnt your strong suit "if you can get it done I'll invite you over for dinner on one of the nights its just la familia." You grinned as you sat on her shoulder. "You see I knew I could distract you by making it a game. Now you owe me dinner." She looked behind her where you had a barrel that you used to climb on her "we didn't make any rules on how I had to do it, so I win." She sighed "I mean if your hoping I wouldn't have made it I can always just jump off." She shook her head "no I was just hoping it'd take longer." You smiled and mumbled "thats what she said." Making her go red in the face "why are you like this?" You giggled as she flexed her arm "because I can be. Also I like seeing your face red. Its cute."

Her face only got redder.

"Ok I got what I needed. Thanks." You looked down at Blake who thought it was funny you were on Luisas shoulder "my Abuela is setting up something, so someone can win my hand in marriage. She changed her mind on what she told me, but when she asked me what all the competitions should be I chose things you were good at." She blushed and looked away from you "it starts tonight with clothes making. Alma told everyone in the village yesterday."

You raised a brow "why didn't Alma tell me about it then?" She was silent for a moment "because...uh she forgot you were back? Yeah she forgot you were back." You were onto her 100% she was lying to you about something and you knew it, but played along "ok I'll make some extra ones before I get to the party then." You patted her arm "can you put me down now please? I have to get started." She seemed to snap back into reality "oh uh yeah I can. Here you go." She sat you down then watched as you picked Blake up and waited until you turned to wave bye at Blake as he could see behind you. Her heart melted when he gave a big partially toothy grin and waved back before laying his head on yours.

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now