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"In the family Madrigal!" You laughed as Mirabel went through her song again for the town kids before teaching them about everything with Alma and the rest if the family.

"Y/n would you like to join us?" You jumped a little at the sudden voice "what do you mean join you guys?" Alma sighed "if you are going to be part of the family Madrigal you have to be included in our history and our teaching day." Your eyes got wide "oh uh yeah I'd love to join. Thanks for asking." She smiled a little at you "you're welcome now come. We mustn't be late." You followed her to Casita and kind of just watched from the sidelines most of the family not even realizing you were there.

"We will have two new additions to our familia one day soon, but they just wanted to be on the-" Blake pulled on Almas dress "up?" She looked down at him "here is one of them now." She picked him up.

Meanwhile you were running around upstairs like a madman wondering where he went again for the fifth time in ten minutes "Blake come on dude." You found the railing to the stairs pretty quickly and went over it with a loud yelp, luckily Casita moved to catch you from hitting the ground, but your leg/foot got caught up in the gaps of the railing and you now hung upside-down from the other floor while holding your dress against your legs.

"Is that the other one that will jointing your family?" Alma hesitated before nodding "yes it is." She pinched the bridge of her nose while the children laughed thinking you were hilarious while you made stupid jokes hanging there.

"Whats hanging? I mean I am obviously, but you know " they all laughed while the Madrigals tried to find a way to get you down because if Casita moved you'd fall or it'd break your leg, but you were too far away from the regular floor to just reach up and grab. Not to mention you were hanging about fifteen feet away from the top floor "tell us something else that's funny. " You thought for a moment "ok what do you call a bull thags sleeping?" They all shrugged "we don't know." You smiled "a bull dozer." They all laughed and giggled.

"Another one!" You sighed "will you remember me in a day?" They nodded "a week?" They nodded again "a month?" They glanced at eachither with a big grin, but nodded again "how about ten years will you remember me then?" They all nodded starting to get impatient "knock knock." They all smiled "who's there?" You smirked "you forgot me already?" They all giggled "hey Y/n you should tell them the one that got you in trouble with your mamá." You started laughing "ok hold on."

You did a sit up and grabbed the bars to the railing holding on with one hand while trying to get your leg unstuck which you succeeded with then dangled there while Casita brought you back to the floor carefully.

"You could've done that the whole time?" You laughed "yeah." Felix wrapped his one arm around your neck and rubbed his knuckles on your head "goofball." He let you go "no I thought I was a gumball." The children all laughed again "your funny." You smiled at them "well thanks. I am pretty funny looking huh?" You gave them a mischievous smile as they giggled.

"Who are you going to marry?" You rubbed the back of your neck "well uh..." you glanced at Luisa who was putting everything Alma said together "its supposed to be Luisa." You sat on the floor allowing the rest of the family to do what they needed in order to teach the kids.

Luisa was up to teach them about her gift and just for kicks and giggles everyone in the family except Alma and you climbed on her shoulders.

"Arent you the one who moves the church?" Luisa nodded "yep." All their eyes lit up "whats it like being able to carry anything?" She chuckled "its pretty amazing." One little boy spoke up "could you imagine not liking where you live and tell your family your moving then just lift the whole house and move it?" Everyone let out a chuckle "it would be cool huh?"

After all the kids left you took Blake from Alma and sat him down and he instantly started running. You groaned and chased after him knowing he had way too much energy for his own good, but it was best he burnt it off now rather then in the middle of the night, so you chased after him while making noises and that only made him giggle and run faster.

"I'm gonna get you." He started making a panting noise as he ran right to Luisa and hid with her "is your tia going to get you?" He giggled and smiled up at her "what if we all get her first?" She picked him up and her family (sisters and cousins) gathered at her side "come on." You stopped a couple feet from them then Luisa sat Blake down "attack!" He ran towards you as fast as his little legs could carry him and you started running the other way just fast enough he couldn't get too close, but he wouldn't lose interest in what he was doing "oh no he's going to get me." You suddenly tripped and face planted it into the stairs then just laid there after rolling over.

"Your done. No more running for you." Luisa picked you up and sat you on her one shoulder "mamá we need-" Julieta held out some food "thank you." You took it and ate it "dinner will be done soon." Everyone nodded "you guys can burn his energy out. I'm exhausted form the last couple days." Luisa looked up at you "why are you so tired?" You shrugged "I don't know I think its because I've stayed up for forty-eight hours straight, but I'm not sure." She gave you a mom type of look "you need to sleep." You sighed "I know. I just...I've been busy with something for you." She sat the table down while Casita moved the chairs to its sides.

"Oh really? I'm not worth staying up for. You need to-" you gently swatted her forehead "what was that for?" You folded your arms "because you said what you did. You are worth every moment of me losing sleep. Don't you ever think otherwise like you do from time to time."

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