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I laid in bed not wanting to do anything after Alma had her little talk with me the day before about...everything. I did decide it was best if I did get up though because my mom wouldn't be happy if I didn't.

"Hey mamá?" I turned the corner to the kitchen only for her to have a wooden spoon pointed in my direction "dont you ever call me that! That language is forbidden in this house do you understand me?" I nodded "yes mom I'm sorry." She went back to cooking "what do you need?" I sighed "I was going to ask if I could hang out with Mirabel again today. Can I?" She sighed "you know I don't like that family sweetheart, but if you'd like to go ahead. You're eighteen and I can't stop you from doing what you want." I smiled "thanks mom." She only smiled back as I left the house to find Mirabel and see if she could hang out for the day.

"Hey Julieta is Mirabel free today?" She nodded "of course she is. If you can find her she's hanging out with her sisters today. They'll probably be following Luisa around and helping her with some stuff." My smile fell a little "is there a problem Y/n?" I hesitated "...no I just dont want to bother them if their all together." She chuckled "I dont think they'll mind. Mirabel has been wanting to be around you, but you've been kind of elusiva." I giggled "my bad. Maybe I will have to-" if only I could've had ten more seconds with Julieta before Mirabel and her sisters found me I would've been fine facing Luisa.

"Y/n there you are." Mirabel ran over and hugged me, so I hugged her back "we were looking for you." Isabella scoffed "no YOU were looking for her. Not me and Luisa." Luisa went to say something, but decided to be quiet instead "I was just getting ready to look for you, but since you're here I might as well just follow along too." I gave a glance and Luisa and she quickly looked away from me 'yep I screwed that up.' Is all that went though my mind as I knew I had messed up a good friendship once again. "So Y/n got any jokes today?" I smiled "always do just have to find the right situation to use them."

Isabella rolled her eyes "her jokes can't be that good." I smirked "they're about as good as your attitude. They aren't good at all." Luisa held back a laugh, Mirabel started giggling, Isabella scoffed not believing I just said that, and I only shrugged with a smile before Isabella gave a small laugh "ok I have to admit that was pretty good." I smiled "I always win someone over." Luisa gave a small smile in my direction then started picking up the donkeys which where out...again.

"Dont you ever get tired of picking them up?" She shrugged as she placed another on her shoulder "sometimes, but if it-" I disappeared and she started looking for where I went before looking at her sisters "where'd she go?" They both shrugged and as fast as I disappeared I showed up again making all of them jump "try this instead. Donkeys are fat little things that love grain." I shook the bucket and all of them except the three she had started in my direction "and if you run..." You took off running while still shaking the bucket and they all broke out into happy runs behind you while giving little bucks here and there "it works just as well."

Before I knew it the three she had she set down and her and her sisters took off to cath up and upon reaching the barn I noticed I had all of the donkeys there and opened the door before pouring a couple different piles of grain through the barn.

"There we go." You closed and latched the door to see some villagers watching you "isn't that Luisas job?" I went to say something then bit my lip to stay quiet then decided to say something anyway "well yeah, but I was just helping her out today. Her shoulders are a little sore from lifting some things, so..." I hoped they took my lie "she has been carrying alot. Its a good thing you helped her." Then they just dispersed and went back to what they were doing about the same time Luisa and her sisters got here "hey that worked out pretty well. Luisa you should do that more often." I went red and looked away from them "you dont have to if you dont want to. Whatever is easier for you."

Through the rest of the day I stayed pretty quiet after that nit really accepting the fact that she was going to start using my idea from now on unless she didn't have that option.

"Uh Y/n?" I looked at Mirabel "huh?" She looked at Isabella "you arent going to make a joke?" I raised my eyebrows "about what?" Luisa spoke up "about the guy who just tripped or the lady you threw the water on him for tripping in front of her." I thought for a moment trying to come up with something good "man I think someone is going to have a nice trip. I think we'll see him next fall though...ok that one was bad I'll admit it." Luisa held back from laughing and Mirabel to try to Make you feel good gave a fake laugh "what are you doing laughing at me?" I said it with a smile "I mean I know I'm funny looking, but come on now." I let out a breathy chuckle "that one was a bad joke too. I'm sorry."

They looked at eachother with questioning glances "it wasn't too bad. Neither of them were, but you have had better." Mirabel backhanded Isabellas arm "what'd you hit her for? She's right." She looked at me dumbfounded not believing I was taking her sisters side before mumbling something in Spanish.

I took this as it was best if I left.

"I'll see you guys later." I started to walk away hands in my pockets when I felt what I made for Luisa and turned back around "uh Luisa..." she looked down at me "yeah?" I pulled out the little stuffed donkey unicorn I made her "this is for you. See you around." I placed it in her hand and took off as fast as I could before she, or her sisters, could see how red my face was.

Forbidden Luisa × Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now