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I rocked Blake as I walked home while also humming a small tune to him and before long he was asleep and I was also ready to be asleep, but still had to make the couple mile trek to my house.

Tonight was a long night and I was so ready to sleep in tomorrow. "Ok baby we're almost home." It was quite cold tonight "only two more miles." I was starting to shiver because it was so cold out "Y/n wait up." I turned around to see Mirable chasing after me "yes?" I waited for her to catch up "you should stay over." I shook my head "I can't. I have to take care of some things at home anyway. Thank you for offering it though." She frowned "I can help you with them tomorrow." I smiled "I also have to clean up. Its awkward for me to clean up in someone else's home."

"I'm sure Casita could make it look and feel more like your home." I sighed "you're doing this for Luisa aren't you?" She nodded "yeah I am." I sighed again "maybe another day. I need get home and out of this cold. I'm closer to home anyway." She looked down "you'll make Luisa cry. Do you reeeaaally want to do that?" I pinched the bridge of my nose and smiled while shaking my head "ok fine. I'll come back." She grinned and did a little celebratory jump "I can even carry Blake." I raised a brow at her "you really just want to hold him when he's not being a terror lets be honest here." She giggled as I walked next to her "yeah." I gave him to her careful not to wake him up.

"So I seen what you did when Luisa was with you." I raised my brow "what?" She elbowed me a little "that kiss you gave her. It made Abuela mad." I laughed a little "of course it did, but I wasn't the one who asked for it though thats the thing." Mirabels eyes grew wide "you mean...Luisa asked if you would kiss her?" I nodded "yeah, well not that exactly. I she asked if she could kiss me, but it is what it is. She wouldn't move, so I took my chance when she wasn't being her seven foot tall self." My face was starting to go red from the cold "yeah its this cold out right now because tia Pepa stood up for you and Luisa. Luisa is in her room crying or was last I knew because Abuela yelled at her and you know Luisa and her tender heart. We all agreed to have a sleep over in Antonio's room to cheer her up. She said she'd join if you came and I said I'd try my best."

Upon reaching Casita Alma gave me a death glare and I only gave one right back while following Mirabel up the stairs.

"Luisa Y/n is here." Camilo was knocking on her door continuously "Luisaaaaaaa." Suddenly her door flew open scaring him as she towered over him and gave the ultimate mom look "sorry." He turned and ran to Antonio's room.

I felt like I was not in the right place and was intruding as everyone was in their night clothes now, all the guests were gone, and Luisas hair was down signalling she was ready for bed.

"What do you mean shes here? Shes supposed to be at home." I stopped in my tracks "Mirabel did you lie to me?" She looked away from me making me sigh "Mirabel I could be at home taking a nice bath getting ready for bed and you dragged me all the way back here by guilt tripping me." I wasn't mad, but rather amused "ok so I lied, but I figured you could stand up to Abuela for you and Luisa." I sighed "no I'm not doing that. Have a nice night. You can keep the baby for the night." I heard Luisa chuckle "wait what?" She said it in a quiet panic "have fun. Heres the things you need." I dropped the things at the top of the stairs and simply just left knowing Blake was in good hands.

When I got home I instantly made a bath and cleaned up while also relaxing for a little bit before I went to bed for the night. I didn't fall asleep right away, but once I did I didn't wake up until noon the next day.

"Oh crap is it really this late?" I got up and threw a shirt and skirt on "I have to get Blake from the Madrigals still." I practically ran to Casita and knocked on the door "yes?" It was Julieta "is Blake here with you?" She smiled "of course. Pepa is having a hay day with him." She opened the door and let me in "PEPA. Y/NS HERE FOR BLAKE." She stepped out of her room "I dont have him anymore. He followed Mirabel out of Casita when she left five minutes ago. She did know he was there and took his hand. You'll have to find her." I huffed "ok thanks Pepa, thanks Julieta."

I left and found Camilo "have you seen Mirabel?" He shook his head "no. I only seen her this morning at breakfast. Try the local kids. Shes usually giving them a crash course of our familia." I smiled at him "thanks." I ran around town like a maniac after that and didn't ever find her, but I did find Dolores "hey Dolores do you know where Blake is? Last I knew he was with Mirabel." She listened for a moment "Mirabel is in the center of town, but she doesn't have him. Isabella is with her too and she doesn't have him either. Try Luisa. She's taking to someone. You'll find her-" just then I seen a house get readjusted so it wasn't leaning anymore "ok thanks Dolores." I ran to where Luisa was "Luisa!" I was breathing hard as I tried catching up to her fast walk "yeah?" She glanced down at me once I caught up to her "do you have Blake?" She smiled "can't get him to leave me alone for two seconds." I then noticed her holding him on her hip opposite of me "oh thank God. I dont have to run around like a maniac anymore."

She laughed "what do you mean?" She lifted a boulder and carried it over to a certain spot before dropping it "I mean I've been running around the last hour and a half looking for who had him. I asked you're mamá and tia Pepa first and they told me Mirabel, so I tried finding her, but ran into Camilo and asked if he had seen her and he told me no then I ran into your tio Felix and your dad and they told me to ask Dolores, so I found her on accident and she told me Mirabel didn't have him and to try you." She smiled "well here you go." She gave him to me and he started throwing a fit "Blake are you hungry?" He looked at me "eat?" I did the hand motion for it in sign language and he stopped crying and did it back "thats what I thought. Lets got get you some food."

"Wait what was that?" She must've never seen it before "it was sign language. That was the sign for eat." She nodded "I know it was sign language, but he understands?" I nodded "yeah. It was some of the first things I taught him. If he's hungry thats what he'll do or he'll start crying. Has he cried at all with you?" She shook her head "no and he hasn't been doing that either." I giggled "must've been to distracted. That happens alot. Anyway I'll be on my way and let you finish your chores. See you later." I headed towards the restaurant "yeah...see ya."

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