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Yelena caught the hot sauce bottle Kate had thrown at her, with one hand still holding a cooking pot. She had her hair down, and a jacket on, with multiple little pins of icons on one of the pockets. POCKETS-

"Hiiii." She eventually said. Fuck, when I tell you this woman had not changed. "I made some macaroni if you want some." The girl said. She has not changed

"I'm sorry- what?" Kate asked, I stared at the woman, then back at the pot of macaroni. 

"Well, I was starving, and you took forever... so I wanted to make food." She explained. "I don't know if I made enough for three of us- since, I didn't think Rob was going to join you." She walked over to the table as we both still stood there. 

"What do you want?" I asked her quietly. 

"Relax, Rob, I just want to talk, okay?" She placed the hot sauce down on the table, next to the pot of macaroni. The two of us still stood there, confused at what was going on. "Are either of you really not hungry? That fight was so long." She pointed down at the food. "It's really tasty, really tasty." 

"Yeah... I know what boxed mac and cheese tastes like..." Kate said. "I know it's delicious." 

Yelena had walked back over to the little kitchen area Kate had. "Uh- forks... forks... forks..." I needed Kate out of here, but at the same time, if we didn't stick around, there was no way we were going to get to the bottom of this. "Nooooo..." She picked something up from the side before turning back at us. "You have one fork?" 

"I'm one person.." Kate told her, as if it wasn't obvious. 

"That's so weird..." She turned back again and saw plastic cutlery. "KATE. This is not cutlery." The Russian lectured her. "This is not cutlery-" She carried on to mutter as I spoke up.

"We're really not here for a nice- dinner date with you- After you tried to kill me and Kate and broke into her appartment." 

She seemed shocked at what I had to say, though. "I DID NOT TRY TO KILL YOU. A- I PUT KATE ON A WIRE TO REMOVE AN OBSTICLE. B- I DID NOT BREAK ANYTHING-" I glanced back at the window, which no longer seemed to exist. "- I AM WAY TOO TALENTED AT THAT. And, C- Stop being so defensive. Okay? You're so hostile." I let out an annoyed sigh at her words. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." She rolled up her sleeve slightly as she spoke, "I don't have any weapons on me." 

I snorted at what she said, and raised an eyebrow. She knew I knew it was a lie. "Okay... I take that back, I don't have any weapons currently... in my hands." She held them out, trying to emphasise the point she'd just made. But, in return, I stared at the Black Widow gauntlets. Yelena then looked down at them on her wrists. "That's a lie also..." The girl seemed to give up on trying to make us feel so comfortable, and instead turned heads back to the food. "Come on, take a fork, eat, eat- my daddy said it's good for you." 


"He also said that he would've been more famous than Captain America." I muttered, still glaring. She seemed to act like what I'd just said didn't mattered. Of course, I could see through that, Yelena felt that, she always would when it was to do with her family.

"Well, we know that that wouldn't have happened. He's got his own musical, now, right?" Yelena says, and I shook my head in disbelief.

"He was gonna be more famous that Steve Rogers, yet it turns out his daughters were the ones who were capable of that." I muttered.

𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | ᴋᴀᴛᴇ ʙɪꜱʜᴏᴘ x ᴏᴄWhere stories live. Discover now