A walk together

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Nice weather in hell was something rare, a walk was. It is a nice way to take advantage of that. Hell was either too hot, raining, or gloomy, so the weather being nice, it was a good change of pacing for (y/n), who was still upset from the fight he and his sister had. The two overlords arrived at the park as they walked people stayed quiet around them, worried to look at them wrong and get harmed for it. "so okay, hmmm," (y/n) pondered thinking of a question Murder being the first thing to pop in his head decided that it would be a fine topic. "what is your style of killing? like are you gruesome and sporadic, clean and calculated, like what do you do?" (y/n) said casually used to talking like this with his family.

"What a gruesome topic dear!" he said quite excited that it could actually be fun, "Well, It greatly depends! Gruesome and calculated I will save you the details on how, you will have to find out as our alliance grows. " he said walking with his hands behind his back, chin up and his normally never-ending smile. "what about you?" Alastor asked (y/n).

(y/n) was diverse in his styles, it's why it took so long for him and his sister to be found. "When I'm mad, which I hope you never have to see, is messy. normally though I'm clean about it, easy cleanup, less evidence, and its how my parents taught me and my sister," he explained moving his arm in a complete circle due to not having bones and a ball join system he a large range in motion. "Ask me something now,"

"Why do you think you came here as a doll?" Alastor asked.

The male gave a laugh, " I'm a puppet just cut my strings," which was a lie, he still had his strings he and his sister just used magic to hide it. In all honesty (y/n) knew, it was how as a human he was easily told what to do, his mind was easily tricked and manipulated, he was trained to obey everything. Yes, his family was very loving and close it didn't mean that they were not strict, he knew if he didn't listen on a kill they would get caught. This mentality carried over that if he didn't listen he would get hurt and give in with little to no protest. It still carried over with him but he taught himself to do exactly what people did to him before he died, in hell he only got better, not only was he a puppet for others to use if he wanted he could become the puppet master. "I think it has to do with manipulation? since I can make life from materials, command a living being to do whatever I please, trick people with just my words?" he said half lying. "not to mention I love attention and to perform," he joked. "why did you come here deer-like?"

"how I died," he hummed smiling 

"That's all? I poured my heart out and you give me three words!" (y/n) giving a playful offended gasp putting his hand over his heart.

"you gave me a half-truth, so I have you a half-truth," Alastor chimed at the male's performance.

(y/n) rolled his eyes crossing his arms. "That's not very gentlemanly of you,"

"you lied first," Alastor said back, enjoying the casual banter.

"but I am not a known spiffy gent," (y/n) said giving a compliment during the banter.

Alastor laughed at the male's response, "Why thank you, my dear, you are not too bad yourself," he hummed.

(y/n) gasped playfully, again, pausing in his steps as he put a hand over his forehead faking fawning. "Oh my! a Dreamy usin' apple butter on me, well I feel like I'm in Cloud 9," he said like he was from the '50s, wanting to confuse Alastor with slang from his time of life. He straightened up quickly and kept walking, letting the other catch up with him.

they were halfway done with the park when there stand's a rose bush. Among all the roses beautiful and alive there was one dead. It seems like it was done on purpose. "well, that's Low," (y/n) spoke watching the rosebush. "who would kill such a nice flower?" he asked softly. Before going to try and continue the topic at hand.

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