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Humming from the kitchen music playing softly. The two overlords stood together making dinner for the friends coming over for a housewarming party. Their first house as a married couple, and won't be their last, planning on moving to a larger one if they ever decided to adopt. "Salts is on the table. I unpacked it yesterday," (y/n) spoke softly and alastor grabbed it adding some to the dish. He seemed lost in thought, something uncommon for alastor to be this quiet for so long.

Just as (y/n) was about to speak up Alastor did for him. Being together for 10 years does that to a person. Everything becomes in tune with each other. "Lost in thought that's all." He pulled (y/n) into his arms and smiled toothly at him, "just surprised at all the change you have brought me. The entertainment of love and change." He chuckled kissing him softly with fond eyes of love.

"I would hope so. You did marry me for my charm after all." (Y/n) joked having calmed down and was a bit more serious. He worked through more of his issues and got revenge out of his system. "Or did you marry me for power?" He gave a teasing flirting tone to antagonize him.

Alastor chuckled and shook his head, "why not a little bit of both. Your power is what led me to your charm. " he spoke smoothly. "Or maybe it was just all your power," he chuckled playing along with his husband's game.

"Hmmm well, that would make sense. The Radio demon. The most feared demon and in all of hell in love with a puppet," he hummed laughing putting arms around him.

"Quite a foolish dream isn't it?" Alastor joked looking lovingly at his husband and returned the look. "I the radio Demon could never go soft," he said melting as (y/n) caressed his cheek kissing his lips softly.

"A very foolish dream," (y/n) said softly and looked up at him. "Now hurry with the food guests will be here soon," he said kissing his lips. "And make sure to not give the baby spicy food. Charlie and Vaggie complained about it to me. Leave me in charge of the baby food," he rolled his eyes pulling out of Alastor's arms and grabbing leftovers from Alastors cooking for Charlie and Vaggies baby.

Alastor chuckled and smiled, "no promises my dear. None at all," he spoke with a mischievous tone till he felt a spoon hit the back of his head causing him to give a glare to (y/n).

"Behave. Alastor," (y/n) spoke with authority and grabbed the spoon with his strings putting it in the sink. "It's a child, this is why we can't have nice things," he teased.

Alastor chuckled and continued cooking when a knock was heard, "I will get it, darling, " he said walking over to see Charlie, Vaggie, and a baby looking uncomfortable in the cannibal colony, "ah Charlie, Vaggie, Norna," he smiled motioning them in. It was quite a nice house that showed the wealth they had and still kept the modesty both were raised with. A mesh of both of their ideal homes from when they were living. Even though Alastor did sacrifice much of the glamor he had when alive for this house with his Husband.

Charlie smiled excitedly, "eeee you two got your first house as a married couple! It's so much nicer and has more rooms than you need. Oh my GOSH, are you two planning on kids!? Awe they could have playdates and sleepovers an-" Charlie was cut off by (y/n) clearing his throat.

"Don't give him any ideas. He gets baby fever enough, and he is terrible with kids, now let me see my satan child," he said pushing alastor out of the way having no fear of his husband. He held the child and smiled, "Look at this dumbass. No thoughts in her eyes. This is why she is cute," he kissed her cheek before giving her back to her parents. "Alastor go finish cooking I did what I could," he said kissing his cheek.

Alastor did get baby fever. Maybe because of the culture of his time of kids after marriage and a house for those kids. But it was getting bad, seeing (y/n) caring for and nurturing Norna when Vaggie and Charlie needed a break wasn't helping. Not to mention Alastor spoiled Norna endlessly both of them did, having more money than anything since both were overlords and childless. "Will do my dear, Norna has some of her toys she left on the table," he said heading back to the kitchen.

More arrived, Angel, husk, nifty, (s/n), and her boyfriend. And they ate, talking about life. Talked about whatever came to mind. Alastor hosting spectacularly having fun being a host.


"(Y/N) you don't have to say yes, but I want one. Just one at least," he spoke softly.

"Alastor we will outlive them or our child will never grow, we can't be like Charlie and Vaggie. Charlie is hell-born we are not. We can't have kids. If we adopt an imp or hell-born they will die before us, we will see them grow old and die before we can even blink. If we adopt a sinner the kid will never grow and how often do you see children down here. Alastor no matter what we can't im sorry, I do I really do but it's impossible..." (Y/n) spoke sitting on their bed as he felt Alastor wrap his arms around him.

"You can create life, my dear... Together we can make something, we can figure out something. " Alastor spoke holding (y/n)s hand.

"We don't need a kid to be fulfilled... We both are terrible with children," he chuckled trying to lighten up the mood.

Alastor sighed and nodded, "let's get some rest, it's late," he said softly and watched (y/n) pull him into bed getting comfortable. "Sleep well, my love."

"Sleep terribly and hate," (y/n) said softly. Soon he was asleep.

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