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Alastor wasn't one for the modern forms of paparazzi finding them immature and classless. He couldn't understand how different (y/n) was with a camera in front of his face as he was interviewed by a woman who claimed to be a fashion blogger. Admittedly since being with (y/n) in a romantic relationship he could sense the male's usage of magic, though he was curious why he would use it on such a meaningless encounter.

(Y/n) looked at the camera with his rather unnerving frown as he showed his boots and answered questions. He was pulled out of thought when the female asked about Alastor's clothes and if (y/n) styled it "Well, darling, I can assure you the Radio Demon can dress himself... Very nicely, if I may add," he said using this opportunity as free advertising with minor fanservice he was feeding the desperate crowd. Alastor chuckled warping the camera to only blur and warp his face. 

Alastor could tell the game (y/n) was playing the performance of a lifetime and a chance to stir up the lonesome beings of hell. Alastor chuckled and put hands behind his back being very expressive as usual. "Thank you, my Dear, I appreciate such a lovely compliment from someone such as yourself," he said doing his best to carry the flirty undertones despite being shit at flirting and romance in public in general. "Now if you accuse us that will be all, " Alastor spoke before the camera glitches out too much and is forced to stop. He began to walk and (y/n) followed.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes annoyed, "It's insufferable," he said bluntly annoyed with how the fashion blogger kept trying to probe info about the male's relationship. "These creatures think they can trick me, " he said with malice and power in his tone which alastor found rather attractive.

Alastor walked with an amused smile on his face, "they are just desperate for the spotlight but unlike you mon cheir, they dont have what it takes to be the center." He hummed watching (y/n) blush before scowling with amusement.

"Alastor now is not the time, I'm frustrated, " he said in a strained tone like he was trying to hold back from yelling at Alastor, which he was. He felt like Alastor was brushing off his feelings and thinking it would go away with a flirt. "I dont appreciate that compliment,"

Alastor had to resist poking at the ready-to-bust male. "Okay, my dear... No need to get tangled up..." He said not able to fight the urge to make the joke since his lover was a puppet. (Y/n) stopped in his tracks and vanished before Alastors eyes.

The headspace was dark, (y/n) wandered into the void having gone before to calm down. He sat on a bed in his childhood room warm with the smell of his mom's cooking and the window outside where he would sneak out. He laid down and just breathed not wanting to repeat what happened on earth many years ago. He looked at his hand seeing how each joint moved and the soft sounds of the strings that ran in his body pulling to help him bend his fingers. "Im pathetic..." (Y/n) spoke to himself when he heard a knock seeing his sister.

"I know," she said sitting on the edge of the bed, "You kinda left Alastor out there," she said laughing softly. "You just poofed," she grabbed one of (y/n)'s strings and begin to unknot it.

"Was my misery so loud it pulled you here?" He chuckled sitting up and she nodded. "Why did I have to take the emotional baggage.

" at least you can genuinely feel shit, can't remember the last time I felt overwhelming emotions." She said in a serious tone, "double-edged sword," she shrugged letting go of the string glad Alastor had been detangling the strings for (y/n).

(Y/n) was much calmer, "do you think we will find ma and pa?" (Y/n) asked with a genuine concern reminding (s/n) of how they acted when they first got to hell.

"Honestly, it's been so long and we are very popular. It should have happened. I doubt they are still here..." She said with a grimly realistic point of view.

(Y/n) nodded, "I should go, alastors probably confused," he said laying back down closing his eyes till he car back appearing in front of Alastor who was milking a glass of black coffee.

"Enjoy your time away," Alastor asked humored by the male uncrossed his legs setting the newspaper down and leaning in with his normally large smile.

"I did, I apologize for leaving. I need to cool off," he explained. Alastor nodded and pulled out (favorite pastry of cafe treat) and set it in front of (y/n)

Alastor chuckled not used to hearing a demon apologize, "I am quite unused to such verbiage anymore. I accept my dear. It's impossible to be upset with you," he said watching his boyfriend take a bite happily.

(Y/n) finished his food and both males got up from the cafe Alastor took them and headed to the park where they had many memories. At their usual bench, they sat down to discuss news Alastor read in his newspaper wishing to hear input from (y/n). As the topic begin to go dry a question popped into (y/n)'s head. "Alastor, when do you feel comfortable with me kissing and touching you?" (Y/n) asked.

Alastor quite appreciated (y/n)'s question, and showed respect and consent, "well, I most appreciate it when alone or at home with our close colleagues. " he explained.

"Last one would you ever do sensual things?" (Y/n) asked wanting to know Alastors boundaries knowing that since they were a couple it's very important to have this discussion even if it's somewhat awkward.

"Though I have never done anything as such, I would not be against giving you your desires. I don't hold sexual desires. I would want you to first understand that it would be only for your pleasure if we were to go that far, " he said knowing it was a good conversation to have. "What makes you bring these up now my dear?"

(Y/n) was going, to be honest with his lover, "it's an important conversation to have. I want to well make out, be romantic and cuddle with you, I want to do all these things and I want to know what you're okay with. Maybe one day I will have those desires with you I want to know your thoughts on things. They matter to me," he said honestly looking at Alastor. Alastor kissed (y/n) holding the male's sides. The kiss was full of love and passion just the sweetness sugar of the relationship they were building. (Y/n) kissed back, being much more romantic than Alastor it was easy for him to melt into the kiss and fully relax.

Alastor gently pulled away and chuckled after seeing his blushing and happy boyfriend. "It's quite late my dear shall we head home?" He asked.

"Yeah it is quite late," he admitted opening a portal to Alastor's room. Both males headed through and alastor adjusted them into comfortable clothes. He grabbed the makeup wipes (y/n) commonly left in his bathroom and walked over handing them to the male who begins removing the paint.

"We didn't get much shopping done did we?" Alastor chuckled and lay in bed watching as the clock struck nine.

(Y/n) nodded after finishing the nightly rituals. he wanted to join Alastor in bed and laid down on top of Alastor resting his head on his chest, "Eh figured that would happen, it's just fun to go, maybe tomorrow you can take me where ever you wish to go," he said softly playing with the tips of Alastors hair giving the males cheek kisses. Alastor enjoyed the wholesome interaction but still much prefer their more casual ones. He found this moment enjoyable, filing (y/n)s need for physical and Alastors need for a casual relationship.

"Well, you already could have guessed I would be taking you to the cannibal colony," he chuckled looking at his lover who was falling asleep. Alastor normally went to bed at 9 which (y/n) would tease him for and (y/n) at 11 or 12 due to work.

"Remind me to pack a lunch before we go," (y/n) spoke softly falling more and more tired from Alastors gloved fingers running through his hair and the comfort of Alastors bed.

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